Kwanzaa brought to you because African Americans didn’t have enough holidays | Newsnet 14
Haaaaaa, like the African Americans don’t take up enough of the calendar in the year supposedly for the sake of unity.
It’s complete BS, we need a day solely of our own to celebrate White Unity(I know we have one, but it’s not made as big of in MSM and given the same amount of press coverage etc, Unity is lacking with the white race in being proud of being White and for furthering the White race. I don’t want to hear St Patricks day either, bc everyone says they are Irish when they aren’t. Sorry rambling, but you know what I mean.
Kwanzaa is supposed to be celebrated from 26 December through 1
January: It competes with Christmas and Chanukah while incorporating
some echoes of both, e.g., gift-giving and a ceremony built around a
seven-holed candle-holder that recalls Judaism’s seven-branched menorah.
has concocted some bits of lore, lingo, and mumbo-jumbo that are
intended to make Kwanzaa look like something out of Africa instead of
something from Los Angeles County, but his efforts have been feeble.
If you scan The Official Kwanzaa Web Site
see note 1, below
you’ll read that the origins of Kwanzaa lie in “the first harvest
celebrations of Africa,” which allegedly “are recorded in African
history as far back as ancient Egypt and Nubia” — but there is no
explanation of why any ancient Egyptians or Nubians might have held
harvest festivals around the time of the winter solstice, and there is
no identification of the crops that they harvested. Karenga’s formula
for celebrating Kwanzaa requires the use of two ears of maize — but
maize is a New World plant, and it wasn’t known at all in ancient
True believers can purchase ears of maize and other
Kwanzaa equipment (e.g., candles and seven-holed candle-holders and
straw mats) from the University of Sankore Press, a company in Los
Angeles. This outfit evidently is controlled by Us and serves as Us’s
marketing unit. It isn’t a university press, and its name is a
December 12, 2003, the CIA’s Ron Karenga celebrated Kwanzaa – at the
Rochester Institute of Technology – a holiday that some African
Americans, aware of its origins in the intelligence sector of
government, understand and reject.
History of Kwanzaa (4:00)
Black leader of the US Organization.
In December, 1967, Detective Sergeant R. Farwell recruited Donald
DeFreeze to work for the Public Disorder Intelligence Unit, of the CCS
(Criminal Conspiracy Section, LAPD). Its purpose was to monitor black
political activities in California. Karenga worked with DeFreeze and
the LAPD, as part of a “fuck-fuck unit,” running guns to various black
militant groups, hoping to set off a gang war between the Black
Panthers and the US Organization.
US member Melvin Cotton Smith
helped set up Black Panther busts for the police. The Steiner
brothers, working with Karenga and the LAPD, killed Panther leaders
John Huggins and Alpretnice Carter at UCLA. Members of Karenga’s group
were at Vacaville with DeFreeze.
1971 Karenga, Louis Smith, and Luz Maria Tamayo were convicted of
felony assault and false imprisonment for assaulting and torturing two
women from the United Slaves, Deborah Jones & Gail Davis. [5] A
May 14, 1971 article in the Los Angeles Times described the testimony
of one of the women: “Deborah Jones, who once was given the Swahili
title of an African queen, said she and Gail Davis were whipped with an
electrical cord and beaten with a karate baton after being ordered to
remove their clothes. … ”
Why do these media propaganda venues need us to believe in it so badly?
Why does the anti-black sociopath Bush and every other president from
Reagan on, take the time to acknowledge Kwanzaa every year?
answers might be that they want Christmas to be a largely white event,
and want to take it back for themselves. But that would be
self-defeating for them economically, and they are slowly losing their
own economic base in Christmas, due to outright greed and over
commercialization. So the answer must reside in the fact our enemies
want to:
A) Market a new commercial endeavor called Kwanzaa that
acts as a black Christmas to siphon money from Afrikan people during a
critical time of year of resource consolidation for the enemy.
Promote an American agenda that ultimately serves their interests,
and props up a long-standing asset while internally subverting genuine
Afrikan goals and aspirations through their loyal dog Ron “Maulana”
C) Enable corporations to make millions of dollars off
greeting card sales, books, candles, gifts and assorted Kwanzaa
accessories, that we see neither a dime, nor benefit as a people from.
the process of exposing this, I want to proclaim in advance, my
support for the progressive Afrikan principles of Kwanzaa. As I do
believe that they can be very transformative, and of critical use
towards the advancement of global Afrikan unity and liberation. What I
have a serious problem with, is it’s amalgamation of Christmas and
Hanukkah into a “new” holiday that perpetuates a financial war against
our people. As the funds gained during this time are gathered in a war
chest, destined for use in campaigns and initiatives to enslave,
murder and destroy our objectives of Afrikan progression.
the era of 1969-1972 a large-scale politicization of prisons
throughout the U.S. flourished, particularly in California, and was
causing the enemy no end of problems. Led by the writings of Malcolm X,
George Jackson, Eldridge Cleaver, Huey Newton, Marcus Garvey, Che
Guevara, Mao Tse Tung and Ho Chi Mihn, Afrikan prisoners in particular,
were becoming conscious of themselves as prisoners in a larger war
against our race.