In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell --
Monday, January 30, 2012
Only in America, introducing ‘Un-Fair’ What are they putting in the water in MN?
Twin Ports coalition launches anti-racism campaign
A new anti-racism campaign focusing on what white people can do to help reduce racial disparities in the Twin Ports will make its public debut today.A new anti-racism campaign focusing on what white people can do to help reduce racial disparities in the Twin Ports will make its public debut today.“It’s hard to see racism when you’re white” is the slogan for the Un-Fair Campaign, sponsored by 15 local organizations. The campaign’s goal is to raise awareness about white privilege in the community and to provide resources to help overcome the problem.Or, as the campaign’s literature puts it: “See It, Know It, Stop It.”The campaign will use posters, billboards, a website, events and television and radio public service announcements to make the public aware of white privilege.
I want to thank JAM for passing this Un-Fair link of utter outrage along to newsnet14.
below is only a bit taken from the Un-Fair Projects Web Site
below is only a bit taken from the Un-Fair Projects Web Site
What does this have to do with the Duluth community?
The population of Duluth is 89% white, which may be a factor in our community appearing and functioning as a monoculture. This causes some groups to feel marginalized and excluded.
This outcome was confirmed in a recent report on a three year study, Soul of the Community, commissioned by the Knight Foundation, which stated:
The [Duluth Area] community significantly underperforms against the comparison group overall and in four of the seven individual openness measures. … Fewer residents then in other comparable communities say it is a good place for racial and ethnic minorities, immigrants, young adults without children, and talented college graduates looking for work.
What can individuals do to further their understanding of white privilege and structural racism?
“Doing the work” is about understanding structural racism and analyzing the systems we work and live in to look for the characteristic of structural racism. It also entails developing the willingness to continuously evaluate our own actions and seeing that they align with our intents, e.g.: “I don’t intend to take advantage of my white privilege, but I don’t address it or attempt to change it when I identify it.” It also means dedicating ourselves to being in authentic relationships with people of different races and ethnicities.
I couldn’t even finish reading it. Here we go with the truly narrow minded uneducated self hating whites to the EXTREME, everything is The WHITE MAN’s fault yet again, including being born with ‘WHITE/PALE SKIN’How can a city big or small that claims to be 90% white let what a 10% minority convince them to hate being white, they don’t or wouldn’t even know what to do in most cities across The United States, perhaps they need a taste of what TRUE anti-white hate is from those they bow down too from most major cities. Trust me we’d be happy to let you take as many as of these ‘ brown/black minorities’ as you want.shera~
Sunday, January 29, 2012
That’s one way of getting their attention, but I think it goes against the point your trying to make.
The activists are from the groupFemen
FEMEN (Ukrainian: ?????) is a Ukrainian protest group based in Kiev, founded in 2008. The organisation became internationally known for organizing topless protests against sex tourists,international marriage agencies, sexism and other social, national and international ills.[1][4][5][6][7][8][9] Some of the goals of the organisation are: “To develop leadership, intellectual and moral qualities of the young women in Ukraine” and “To build up the image of Ukraine, the country with great opportunities for women”
Three topless Ukrainian protesters were detained today as they bid to break into an invitation-only gathering of CEOs and political leaders to call attention to the needs of the world’s poor.
The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.Session Summary
With temperatures around freezing in the snow-filled town, they took off their tops and tried to climb a fence before being detained. After a complicated journey to reach the heavily guarded Swiss resort town of Davos, the Ukrainians arrived at the entrance to the complex where the World Economic Forum takes place every year.
They have also conducted protests in other countries.
‘We came here to Switzerland to Davos to explain the position of all poor people of the world, to explain that we are poor because of these rich people who now sit in the building,’ said protester Inna Schewcenko.
They were joined by demonstrators from the Occupy movement, which started with opposition to practices on Wall Street, who marched separately to the edge of the gathering.
They held a separate demonstration in Davos and a small group of their protesters are now camped in igloos in Davos to call for more help for the needy.
About 40 Occupy protesters gathered in front of the town hall.
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Saturday, January 28, 2012
Brittany Norwood Gets Life Sentence for cutting, stabbing, and bludgeoning which lead to the eventual Murder of Blonde Beauty Jayna Murray after random bag check at Lululemon Yoga Store.
ROCKVILLE, Md. – A woman convicted of killing her co-worker at an upscale yoga clothing shop in the Washington suburbs, then spinning an elaborate lie about being attacked by two masked men, was ordered Friday to spend the rest of her life behind bars.
A judge sentenced Brittany Norwood, 29, to life in prison without parole, rejecting defense pleas that she deserved an eventual shot at rehabilitation and freedom.
Dressed in a pink blouse, a black blazer and a pearl necklace, Norwood stood and addressed the Murray family, seated in the second row of a packed courtroom.
She haltingly started her statement by saying she had considered whether she should say anything at all.
“For the Murray family – what do I say when your daughter’s gone and I’m the one convicted of her murder? I know what I say today won’t take the pain away over the loss of Jayna,” she said.
Norwood said she was “deeply sorry” for the March 11 crime, during which prosecutors say she cut, stabbed, and bludgeoned her co-worker Jayna Murray, 30, more than 330 times in downtown Bethesda’s Lululemon shop.
“I hope for the Murray family, someday you’ll be able to find forgiveness in your heart,” she said. “I am truly sorry.”
The sentence capped an afternoon of emotional testimony and marked the end of a murder case that rocked the Bethesda community. Prosecutors say Norwood doctored the crime scene at the shop and lied to police, saying the two women were attacked and sexually assaulted by two masked men – leaving the Bethesda community in fear. But Norwood’s tale quickly unraveled, and she was arrested and charged with the murder less than a week later.more
thank you Jason
March 12: Montgomery County Police are called to the scene of the Lululemon Athletica store around 8:12 a.m. where they find the body of Jayna Murray and her surviving co-worker Brittany Norwood, after what they thought was a robbery turned brutal attack and homicide.Residents and Bethesda Row shoppers are shocked by reports. Kristie Donohue, manager of J. McLaughlin, a boutique across the street from Lululemon, tells Patch: “This is an area I would never have expected this to happen. Period. I just think we’ve always felt so safe. It’s something we’ve taken for granted. Maybe this is an eye-opener that we have to be more aware.”March 13—17: As Murray’s family mourns her death, police continue to investigate her homicide and Norwood’s apparent assault. The community plans to remember Murray with a vigil and a memorial foundation is set up in her name as business owners look into safety measures for the popular urban district.March 18: On the evening of Murray’s vigil, police announce the arrest of Norwood, who they say was initially considered to be the surviving victim of an alleged attack at the shop. The victim-turned-suspect is charged with first-degree murder.March 21: Norwood appears via closed-circuit television in court where prosecutors say her story was ‘inconsistent’ and recall how the evidence pointed towards her. They say Norwood elaborately staged the crime scene and lied to police to cover up the crime. They say Murray discovered Norwood attempting to steal from the shop the night of the crime, a possible motive. She is ordered toremain in custody without bond.March 24—28: Patch reports that Norwood is not eligible for the death penalty. She retains a private attorney.April 14: Norwood’s preliminary hearing is postponed.May 5: A grand jury indicts Norwood for the March 11 murder of Jayna Murray.
PHOTOS: Evidence Used By Prosecution In the Lululemon Trial
Jayna Murray was alive during the beating that left her skull cracked in multiple places, and she died later of a stab wound to the base of her brain, a medical examiner testified today during the trial of Brittany Norwood, who is charged with first-degree murder in Murray’s death.
Dr. Mary Ripple of the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Baltimore said Murray had at least 331 wounds to her body.
“That’s conservative, there were probably more than that,’’ Ripple said.
Ripple said blunt-force trauma, stabbing and cutting injuries to Murray’s body overlapped in several areas, making it difficult to count the exact number of injuries.
State’s Attorney John McCarthy is being permitted by the judge to show nine photos from Ripple’s autopsy report. McCarthy originally intended to show all 37 photos from the autopsy, but the judge ruled many of the photos too prejudicial.
One of the photos shows how a blunt weapon pulled Murray’s scalp from her skull. Ripple said she believed Murray lived through most of the attack, because there was blood and bruising around the injuries, which can only happen when the heart is beating. Bruising was also detected deep into Murray’s brain.
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