In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell --
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
SAProject ‘Stop SA Genocide’ Protest: Occupy Oakland Assault 2 Police & SAP-CA
See everyone that isn’t aware of ANYTHING and want to remain that way. We have a group from California who happen to be ‘neo-nazis’ abiding by the laws of this nation to non-violently protest a real Genocide no one is aware of to educate others of the situation going on to the whites in South Africa.
Meanwhile as seen in this news report, we have a bunch of uneducated idiots there to counter protest Violently. Not only attacking the peaceful permit holding ‘neo-nazis’ but the law enforcement who are there to protect against these idiot counter-protesters, who as seen hurt a law enforcement officer. shera~![AFRICA UNSAFE FOR ALL WHITE SOUTH AFRICANS MAP FARMITRACKER AUG222011[6]](
Bishop Williamson wins appeal against conviction in Germany
On Ash Wednesday, 22nd February 2012, the courageous British Bishop Richard Williamson won the latest round in the struggle for free source-critical opinion in Europe, when the German appeal court quashed his conviction for “holocaust denial”.
Bishop Williamson had been under tremendous pressure from within his church, including the leadership of his traditional Catholic Society of St Pius X (SSPX), to abandon his defence and meekly accept criminalisation, following a prosecution which originated in an interview he gave to a Swedish television journalist in November 2008.
Fifty-five minutes into this interview, which had focused on religious matters as the Bishop had expected, the journalist suddenly sprang the question: “Bishop Williamson, are these your views?” and quoted comments made by the Bishop several years earlier in Canada
Bishop Williamson had then stated that – on the basis of the historical evidence as he understood it – he did not believe there had been any homicidal gas chambers in Third Reich Germany. When unexpectedly challenged by the Swedish interviewer, he defended these views, saying:
“I believe that the historical evidence is strongly against, is hugely against six million Jews having been deliberately gassed in gas chambers as a deliberate policy of Adolf Hitler.”
“I believe that the historical evidence is strongly against, is hugely against six million Jews having been deliberately gassed in gas chambers as a deliberate policy of Adolf Hitler.”
The interview was broadcast in January 2009 and became widely available on the internet. International Jewish organisations orchestrated an outcry, leading to pressure on the Roman Catholic Church from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.
It is of course legal to hold such views or make Bishop Williamson’s comments in Canada, or in Sweden, or in the United Kingdom – but in Germany so-called “holocaust denial” is punishable by up to five years in prison.
Effects about 1.7million a Year, killing almost 100,000 a Year and that is just the USA.
Between Dirty Hands and Dirty Surgical Equipment, MRSA, Nosocomical Infection= Effects about 1.7million a Year, killing almost 100,000 a Year and that is just the USA.
Renaissance Europe had birthing centers, places where women went to deliver their babies under the guidance of people with medical training. Even as late as the 1840s, the birthing mortality rate (then calledchildbed fever) sometimes reached 40%. This was because some birthing centers were attached to medical schools, as many are today. Medical universities perform autopsies of cadavers as a part of medical training. The doctors and medical students would interrupt the dissecting of cadavers to deliver babies. While they might wash their hands between dissections and deliveries, they often didn’t change clothes, and disinfectants were unknown at the time. Tiny particles of decaying flesh and germs from the cadavers were taken to the delivery room with terrible results. Birthing centers that operated without research cadavers had lower mortality rates. Men like Semmelweis, Pasteur, and Lister did research in the 1800’s that linked poor medical hygiene to patient mortality rates.
I saw something the other day on the local news where they were talking about MRSA, which later went into dirty hands, dirty surgical equipment, robotics, and Nosocomical Infection. I've been doing further research on this to write a piece on it. The more that I'm reading the angrier and more disgusted i'm getting.
The biggest reason for my disgust is that I just recently lost my Aunt when she went to the hospital for 'Outpatient Surgery' there are several reasons I think she died. At first I thought it was due to them giving her 'Propofol' one of the same drugs that killed Michael Jackson. I of course did a lot of reading and research on 'Propofol' aka as Milk of Amnesia, and read that if a patient has any sort of internal infections, it would be the same as giving her a shot of death, because she did have a UTI which in turn gave her 'Septic Shock', and Phenomena. Which in turn killed her; but after seeing and hearing about the MRSA, nonsocomical infection that opened my eyes as another possible cause for her untimely death.
The only reason I am thinking that was as I said seeing the news cast and talking to my brother about a horrid experience he had at that same hospital in the E.R. He went in because he had hurt his knee and wanted it checked out, like they normally tell you to disrobe and get on the bed, he did neither because his knee hurt so bad and as he was sitting in one of the chairs waiting to be seen. He was looking around of course and saw at the bottom of the bed what appeared to be blood and leakage from a catheter that wasn't properly cleaned up. To say the least he got out of there. All due to lack of cleaning and sanitation. The hospital involved is one of several that has repeat offenses of MERSA, nonsocomical infections and deaths. Knock on wood I've been to both of these hospitals in the past and I've been lucky and thankfully I'm alright and they took incredible care of me and other family and friends that have been there in the past too. ~jlh
Cellulitis and Abscess Management in the Era of Resistance to Antibiotics (CAMERA) |
Lesser-known C-diff a bigger hospital threat than MRSA? please read entire article, comments too
There's good and bad news on the "superbug" front. In community hospitals in the Southeast, an easily spread bacterium appears to have overtaken the widely feared MRSA as the most common hospital-acquired infection. But a pilot project in Ohio found that pushing hard on simple things such as hand washing and thorough cleaning can lower rates of that bug significantly.
Known as Clostridium difficile, or "C. diff," the bacterium resides in the gut, is spread by contact and can cause painful intestinal infections and in some cases death. It's primarily seen in those over 65, and relapses occur in a fourth of patients, despite treatment.
More than 90% of cases happen after antibiotic use, when the healthy flora of the gut are destroyed and C. diff can take up residence
Dirty Surgical Instruments a Growing Problem in Operating Rooms
NEW YORK -- When John Harrison checked into a Texas hospital in 2009 for rotator cuff surgery, he thought that after a six week recovery period, he'd be as good as new. But two weeks after the operation, the 63 year-old was experiencing severe discomfort and swelling in his shoulder and knew something was terribly wrong.
During an emergency visit to the hospital, doctors told him that he had been infected during surgery with a deadly bacteria called P. aeruginosa. And Harrison wasn't the only one -- six other patients who had undergone surgery at the same hospital had contracted potentially lethal infections as well.
The hospital, along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, launched an investigation and closed operating rooms for two weeks.
Surgery was cancelled while they searched for clues and they found some, in something called an arthroscopic shaver. Somehow potentially deadly bacteria had survived the sterilization process and infected Harrison's shoulder.
And the problem isn't isolated. Other investigations in hospitals across the country have revealed the use of other dirty surgical instruments, such as endoscopes used for colonoscopies, have led to infection outbreaks.
Trays of medical devices await decontamination after use. With some surgeries now requiring more than 15 trays, hospitals are struggling for space.University of Michigan Health System |
The team in the operating room consists of trained specialists who undergo years of schooling for their respective professions. They have degrees. They are licensed. But the technicians responsible for sterilizing the tools used in procedures are actually not technicians at all.
The departments responsible for cleaning and reassembling surgical instruments -- usually known as "sterile processing" -- are frequently found in hospital basements and sometimes staffed by underpaid hourly laborers.
These workers can be a forgotten and neglected part of the team involved in a surgical procedure. As the CPI report indicates, the sterilization workers say they feel more like they're doing an unrecognized service, with pressure from nurses and surgical staff to make the process as fast as possible.
The faster the instruments make it into the operating rooms, the more patients are moving through the surgical suites. But what may seem like a push for efficiency can backfire, with disastrous consequences.
New Jersey is the only state that requires hospital sterilization workers to undergo training.
Sharon Greene-Golden, head of "sterile processing" at Bon Secours Mary Immaculate Hospital in Virginia, points out that this is a job that must be done by skilled and certified technicians. She thinks of her team as the unseen patient advocates and says, "It is a job that cannot be given to robots because the robot doesn't have the critical thinking to say this is still dirty." At Bon Secours, Greene-Golden has made her sterile processing department state of the art, a model for what should be happening across the country.
New research finds that too often, surgical tools are leaving the basements still contaminated with hidden blood, tissue and other debris from previous surgeries.
Sterile Supply 101
In the hospital's sterile supply department used surgical instruments are cleaned, sorted, inspected, and repacked into containers, to be sterilized for the next procedure. Every day, thousands of used instruments pass through sterile supply. This department performs many vital functions for a wide variety of surgical instrument sets. This discussion focuses on sets of handheld surigcal tools, used in almost every procedure. Click here to watch a movie showing sterile supply in action.
Pub 3
Monday, February 27, 2012
Change on federal benefits payments could leave child support debtors with no income
WASHINGTON — Thousands of poor and disabled men stand to lose their only income next year because of a change in government policy that will allow states to seize every dollar of federal benefits from people who owe back child support.
Previously, states could capture only 65 percent of benefits from people who opted to be paid by paper check. Advocates estimate that 275,000 men could be left destitute as a result of the change.
The concern is an unintended consequence of the Treasury Department’s decision to pay all benefits electronically, including Social Security, disability and veterans’ benefits, starting next year.
A separate Treasury Department rule, in place since last May in a preliminary form, guarantees states the power to freeze the bank accounts of people who collect federal benefits and owe child support.
By allowing seizure of the remaining 35 percent of benefits, the rules could cause thousands of poor men to lose their only income.
In many cases, the bills are decades old and the children long grown. Much of the money owed is interest and fees that add up when men are unable to pay because they are disabled, institutionalized or imprisoned.
Most of the money will go to governments, not to the children of the men with child support debts, independent analyses show. States are allowed to keep child support money as repayment for welfare previously provided for those children.
In some instances, the grown children are supporting their fathers.
The rule change illustrates how a politically desirable goal like cracking down on so-called deadbeat dads can have complicated, even counterproductive, effects in practice.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Texting is bad for your brain: University of Calgary study
Friday, June 4, 2010
The Art of Spelling And Telling Time, Lost! When Is ‘Enuf is enuf’
Remember when MTV came out and the first video they played was ‘Video Killed The Radio Star’, by The Buggles?
Since the creation of MTV amongst other things so much has been lost. How much further can America and the world be dumb ed down. I know speaking from growing up in the MTV generation and seeing for myself the dumbing down take place. What happened to being able to read a clock with hands is gone to the ‘digital’, along with many other things and the article below is just one more nail in the coffin of intelligence. shera~
'Protesters in bee suits outside Spelling Bee want to make English simpler'
Texting is bad for your brain: University of Calgary study
People who write and receive a lot of text messages are hurting their ability to learn new words and communicate, a University of Calgary study has found.
Researchers studied the effect text messages had on student’s linguistic abilities, and found those who often use their thumbs and a keypad to send short messages had a tougher time “accepting” new words, compared to those who don’t.
So if you ever want to confuse someone addicted text messaging, should you send them an email with big, complicated words? You bet.
Heavy texters were more likely to reject unfamiliar words, instead of accepting that the word might actually exist. Instead of thinking of a related-sounding or meaning word, they’d likely draw a blank.
Some might argue that texting encourages people to be creative, and make up words that can be squeezed into tiny 140-character messages to get a point across. Turns out they’re just making it harder on themselves.
As researcher Joan Lee found, people who read more books, magazines and newspapers were more open to the same unfamiliar words.
“In contrast, texting is associated with rigid linguistic constraints which caused students to reject many of the words in the study,” Lee said in a release about the study.
“This was surprising because there are many unusual spellings or “textisms” such as “LOL” in text messaging language.”
Do you agree with the results of the study? Is text messaging making us dumb?
- Maurice Cacho, MSN Tech & Gadgets
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Laurelville, Ohio Mother Accused of Shooting up Kids with Heroin.
A Hocking County woman was arrested last night after she was accused of injecting her 14- and 16-year-old children with heroin before sending them to school. Parker also has an 18-year-old, birth records show.
Shantel A. Parker, 35, of Laurelville
Shantel A. Parker, 35, of Laurelville was charged with two counts each of felonious assault, corrupting another with drugs and endangering children, county Sheriff Lanny E. North said in a news release yesterday.
The children have been placed in the custody of the county children’s services agency.
A warrant was issued for Parker, and she was arrested about 5:30 p.m. at the Wexner Medical Center at Ohio State University by campus police. It was not explained why Parker was at the hospital, though one person said she had admitted herself because she was suicidal.
Detective Caleb Moritz of the Hocking County sheriff’s office said last night that Parker’s children said she had injected them with heroin 50 to 80 times in the past few months. more
What Is Wrong With Ppl? Father
Arrested For Shooting Up Heroin
Into His 9-Year-Old Kids’s Neck!
“The father of a 9-year-old Chimayó boy is accused of injecting heroin into his son’s neck, leaving track marks the rest of his family discovered later. The boy, Luke Velasquez, told State Police his father, Jose Paul Velasquez Jr., injected him with heroin about 10 times, according to a criminal complaint filed June 22 in Rio Arriba County Magistrate Court. The boy tested positive for illegal drugs at Española Hospital, according to a State Police affidavit. Jose Velasquez, 30, of Chimayó, faces felony counts of child abuse and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. He could face up to 4.5 years in prison on these charges under state law. [...] Luke Velasquez, who lives with his father, was with his mother Violet Coriz and sister Gabriella Velasquez. Coriz said she took her son to the hospital because his sister said Luke Velasquez had been given heroin and had track marks on his neck.” – RioGrand WSHH
Christian Clubs Told to ‘Stop Whining,’ Meet in Homes Like in Communist China
Wait a minute, arrests have taken place in the United States too already for trying to hold services at someones home, and not that long ago either. Here is a few for now.
1. A southern California couple has been fined $300 dollars for holding Christian Bible study sessions in their home, and could face another $500 for each additional gathering. City officials in San Juan Capistrano, Calif. say Chuck and Stephanie Fromm are in violation of municipal code 9-3.301, which prohibits “religious, fraternal or non-profit” organizations in residential neighborhoods without a permit. Stephanie hosts a Wednesday Bible study that draws about 20 attendees, and Chuck holds a Sunday service that gets about 50.
2. Last Thursday, a swarm of police officers descended on Michael Salman‘s northwest Phoenix home. Armed officers herded Salman, his wife Suzanne, their five young daughters, and their visiting friends into the living room — and kept them under watch for 90 minutes while other city officials searched the grounds. And here’s the crazy part: The officials weren’t looking for drugs, weapons, or stolen property. They were looking for evidence that Michael and Suzanne Salman are holding church services in their backyard.more
NASHVILLE – An Americans United for the Separation of Church and State official told Vanderbilt University Christians to “stop whining” about the institution’s all-comers policy and hold their meetings in private homes like Christians in communist China.
During the 2012 National Religious Broadcasters Convention’s public policy debate on Tuesday, AU Executive Director Barry W. Lynn defended Vanderbilt’s right as a private institution to impose a campus-wide nondiscrimination policy that could potentially drive religious student organizations off campus.
“I would suggest that people in this position – to use a phrase on a button in my dentist office that he always wears when he works, it says, ‘stop whining.’ I’d say stop whining here. Why not do what evangelicals do: go out into the world, out into the community [and] have your meetings, if you have to, off campus. Show your faith [and] meet with students not in a club room somewhere in the university, but in those home churches that kept Christianity alive during the darkest days of communist China.”
China, though it allows Chinese Christians to worshipin two state-approved churches, does not give its people the right of religious freedom. Last year, many Chinese Christians were arrested and detained for conducting religious services in unregistered home churches, according to ChinaAid, a support group for China’s persecuted Christians. more
post has been editited @ 1:05pm Feb. 25, 2012 shera~
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Pennsylvania Judge: Muslims Allowed To Attack People For Insulting Muhammad, The Mediocre Carpenter Turned Prophet
Jonathon Turley, a law professor at George Washington University, reports on a disturbing case in which a state judge in Pennsylvania threw out an assault case involving a Muslim attacking an atheist for insulting the Prophet Muhammad.
Judge Mark Martin, an Iraq war veteran and a convert to Islam, threw the case out in what appears to be an invocation of Sharia law.
The incident occurred at the Mechanicsburg, Pa., Halloween parade where Ernie Perce, an atheist activist, marched as a zombie Muhammad. Talaag Elbayomy, a Muslim, attacked Perce, and he was arrested by police.
Judge Martin threw the case out on the grounds that Elbayomy was obligated to attack Perce because of his culture and religion. Judge Martin stated that the First Amendment of the Constitution does not permit people to provoke other people. He also called Perce, the plaintiff in the case, a “doofus.” In effect, Perce was the perpetrator of the assault, in Judge Martin’s view, and Elbayomy the innocent. The Sharia law that the Muslim attacker followed trumped the First Amendment.
Words almost fail.
The Washington Post recently reported on an appeals court decision to maintain an injunction to stop the implementation of an amendment to the Oklahoma state constitution that bans the use of Sharia law in state courts. The excuse the court gave was that there was no documented case of Sharia law being invoked in an American court. Judge Martin would seem to have provided that example, which should provide fodder for the argument as the case goes through the federal courts.
The text of the First Amendment could not be clearer. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof-” It does not say “unless somebody, especially a Muslim, is angered.” Indeed Judge Martin specifically decided to respect the establishment of a religion, in this case Islam.
That Judge Martin should be removed from the bench and severely sanctioned goes almost without saying. He clearly had no business hearing the case in the first place, since he seems to carry an emotional bias. He also needs to retake a constitutional law course. Otherwise, a real can of worms has been opened up, permitting violence against people exercising free speech.
It should be noted that another atheist, dressed as a Zombie Pope, was marching beside the Zombie Muhammad. No outraged Catholics attacked him. SOURCE
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