Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hey Hey It’s Saturday blackface skit

They had a little about this on the world news one night when I was having dinner & I’m actually so happy I found that so I could post it. This was an excellent performance done by some very intelligent white men who where all going to college to be part of the Medical Field 20 years ago when they first did this and where asked to come back and do it again! Thank You I'm glad you did. So btw these are no dummies at all. Just a group of college friends who happen to be white men with talent and a sense of humor. So everyone who calls these men racist needs to get their panties out of a twist!

The Michael Jackson character this time had his face painted white.
Connick Jr was one of the judges of the segment and took offence to the act, giving it a score of zero.

“If they turned up looking like that in the United States, it would be like ‘hey, hey, there’s no more show’,” he said.

A backstage source said that after the segment Connick Jr expressed his disgust and negotiated an on-air apology at the end of the live broadcast between him and Somers.

“I think we may have offended you with that act and I deeply apologise on behalf of all of us – because I know that to your countrymen, that’s an insult to have a blackface routine like that on the show, so I do apologise to you,” Somers said.

Connick Jr responded, saying he would not have participated if he know beforehand about the Jackson Jive skit.

“I feel like I am at home here and if I knew that was going to be part of the show, I probably, I definitely wouldn’t have done it,” he said.

During last night’s Red Faces segment, Somers said the contestants had appeared on the show 20 years ago with the same act.

The group, who were medical students at the time, had won the
Last night, the performer playing Michael Jackson told Somers he now works as a plastic surgeon. The other members of the group said they were also working as medical professionals, including as a radiologist, a cardiologist and a psychologist.
The online response to last night’s segment was mixed, with some viewers coming out in support of Connick Jr..

“Well done to the guy for not just sitting there through that crap,” said one Twitter user.

“Oz is copping it hard with this whole Harry Connick ‘blackface’ thing. Anyone with 1/2 a brain knows its wrong,” said another.

Another added: “Big up Harry Connick Jr. for saying something and not just going along with it”.

But others on Twitter disagreed with Connick’s stance.

“If painting your face black is racist well then I’m the biggest racist of them all! What a waste of space,” said one.

“So Harry Connick has gone down a peg in my estimation” said another.

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