In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell --
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Racial Profiling at the Arizona Capital in Phoenix!
SB1070, AZ, racial profiling, cheech, cheese, gay, white
Let The Protestors, Arrests Begin In Arizona. . .
A protester shouts at a riot policeman before being arrested at a demonstration |
A few hours later, demonstrators blocked downtown streets as they chanted, “Hey ho, hey ho, SB 1070 has got to go.” They also converged on the office of controversial Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, yelling, “Sheriff Joe, we are here, we will not live in fear.”
Three people were arrested at the courthouse. At least eight protesters who approached a police line were taken into custody, as were two dozen others who sat down in the middle of a street and blocked traffic.
In Tucson, traffic on I-19 was briefly snarled after protesters threw tires, paint buckets and glass onto the roadway. One person was arrested.
Rep. Raul Grijalva, an Arizona Democrat and outspoken opponent of the law, closed his Yuma office after staff discovered a window shattered by a bullet.
But in Santa Cruz County along the border with Mexico, Sheriff Tony Estrada said Thursday was just another day. “Business as usual. No problems. It would have been different if I had to be enforcing that 1070,” said Estradamore
Sheriff Joe Arpaio: I’ll Enforce Arizona’s Immigration Law
Arpaio, whose county includes most of the Phoenix metropolitan area, promotes himself as “America’s toughest sheriff.” He has limited county inmates to two meals a day, banned “sexually explicit material” in prison, reinstituted chain gangs, and set up a “tent city” as an extension of the Maricopa County Jail.
On Wednesday a judge blocked the most controversial sections of Arizona’s new law and put them on hold. The law will still take effect on Thursday, but without some of the provisions that angered opponents — including sections that required officers to check a person’s immigration status while enforcing other laws.
Nevertheless there are reports that opponents of the new law plan to block Arpaio’s jail on Thursday in an act of civil disobedience. Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the controversial top cop in Maricopa County, Ariz., tells Newsmax he will jail any protesters who attempt to block his jail on Thursday when provisions of his state’s tough new immigration law take effect. Arpaio also says it’s “great” if undocumented aliens react to the new law and his strict anti-illegal immigration agenda by moving back to Mexico or to the “sanctuary state” of California, and challenges President Barack Obama to invite him to the White House for a “wine summit” to discuss illegal immigration. Arpaio, whose county includes most of the Phoenix metropolitan area, promotes himself as “America’s toughest sheriff.” He has limited county inmates to two meals a day, banned “sexually explicit material” in prison, reinstituted chain gangs, and set up a “tent city” as an extension of the Maricopa County Jail.
On Wednesday a judge blocked the most controversial sections of Arizona's new law and put them on hold. The law will still take effect on Thursday, but without some of the provisions that angered opponents — including sections that required officers to check a person's immigration status while enforcing other laws.
Nevertheless there are reports that opponents of the new law plan to block Arpaio’s jail on Thursday in an act of civil disobedience.
“There’s a rumor that they’re going to block our jails down the street,” Arpaio says in an exclusive Newsmax interview.
“You know what? They’re not going to block our jails. They’re going into the jail if they block our jail. I’m not going to succumb to these demonstrators keeping law enforcement from booking people in our jail. So we may have to take some action.”
Arpaio also vows to conduct a “crime suppression operation” on Thursday.
“This morning we raided another business and arrested five more illegal aliens with false identification. On Thursday we’re going to do our 17th crime suppression operation and go out with our volunteer posse and deputy sheriffs and catch criminals. We’ve done 16. Just by chance about two-thirds [of those arrested] happen to be here illegally. More Newsmax
Thursday, July 22, 2010
“NOT the ‘whiteman’s b—-.’”
A legislative candidate from Wisconsin can’t use a profane, racially charged phrase to describe herself on the ballot, an election oversight board decided Wednesday. But the state’s Government Accountability Board voted to bar that wording, agreeing with a staff recommendation that it is pejorative and therefore not allowed.
State law allows independent candidates to have five words describing themselves placed after their names on the ballot as long as it’s not pejorative, profane, discriminatory or includes an obscene word or phrase.
Griffin, who is Black, argued her case to the five White, retired judges on the board that regulates elections. She said the phrase was protected free speech. “It’s a freedom of expression,” she said. “It’s not racial. It’s not a slur.” She convinced three of the judges that the wording should be allowed, but two said it should not. One judge was absent, and Griffin needed four votes to succeed. Griffin said she intends to seek an injunction in federal court.
Judge Gordon Myse, the board chairman, cast the third vote in favor of Griffin. “Isn’t she saying, I’m not under the White man’s direction? I’m independent of that.’ Isn’t that what she’s saying?” Myse said.
Roxanne Dunlap, a White woman from Sussex, felt compelled to speak up in the middle of the meeting, saying she was offended by the statement. She said if a White candidate wanted to have the statement “not the Black man’s b—-” put on the ballot, it would be soundly rejected. Read more:
Thank you Jolynn
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Voter Intimidation I’d Say So!
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Monday, July 19, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Stupid question but what is something you can’t do without?
What is the FTAA?At the 1994 Summit of the Americas in Miami, Florida, the leaders of the 34 nations of Canada, the United States, Central and South America and the Caribbean (excluding Cuba), agreed to sign a hemisphere-wide trade and investment pact called the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). At this meeting, former President Bill Clinton pledged to fulfill former President George Bush’s dream of a trade agreement stretching from Anchorage to Tierra del Fuego. As envisioned, the FTAA would be the largest free trade zone in the world, as well as the most far-reaching trade and investment agreement ever signed. Newly elected President George W. Bush has committed to carry out his father’s dream. The FTAA is scheduled for completion in 2005. more
Chapter 3 of NAFTA establishes obligations regarding the trade in
goods. Using the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
definition of a “good” which clearly lists “waters, including natural or
artificial waters and aerated waters,” NAFTA adds in an explanatory
note that “ordinary natural water of all kinds (other than sea water)”
is included. Chapter 12 sets out a comprehensive regime to govern trade
and investment in the service sector, including water services. Chapter
11 establishes an extensive array of investor rights, including
investors in water goods and water services. Thus, under NAFTA, water is
a commercial good, a service and an investment.more
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Racism of the NAACP
The Racism of the NAACP
by Jeff DunetzThe NAACP, once an important Civil Rights organization, has not only forgotten its mission, but has degenerated into what it was formed to prevent, it has become a racist organization.
If you go to the group’s website you can read all about the groups original goals:
The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination.
Vision Statement
The vision of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights without discrimination based on race.
Notice it calls for eliminating race-based discrimination against all persons and equal rights without discrimination for all individuals. Yet too many incidents in recent history has shown the group has strayed far away from its goals.
Take for example this rant by SEIU Executive VP Gerry Hudson where he portrays African-American workers as easy dupes “it doesn’t take a whole lot to argue African-American workers to another place,” and stereotypes those white workers are “so f***ing rabidly racist.”more
Bill O'Reilly: Racism And The NAACP
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Texas Mayor Kills Teen Daughter and Commits Suicide in Home
Monday, July 12, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
DREAM Act bill would have most impact in California, Texas
DREAM Act bill could provide legal status for some young illegal immigrants.
Immigrants in Texas and California would be the biggest winners if Congress and President Barack Obama support legislation allowing young illegal immigrants to acquire U.S. legal status based on education and military service, according to a study released last week.
111th Congress (2009-2010)
Summary & Status
111th Congress (2009 – 2010)
Summary & Status
111th Congress (2009 – 2010)
The analysis by the Migration Policy Institute, a nonprofit group
that researches immigration issues, concluded that the bill introduced
last year could put approximately 2.1 million youth and young adults on
a potential path to citizenship.The institute estimated that only 38 percent of potential beneficiaries — 825,000 people — would likely obtain permanent legal status through the education and military routes set out in the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act, or DREAM Act.
“Many potential DREAM Act beneficiaries would face difficulties in meeting the legislation’s higher education or military service requirements,” said Margie McHugh, co-author of the study. Inability to pay college tuition and problems with English proficiency would reduce the number of potential beneficiaries, she said.
California would have the most potential beneficiaries with 553,000 youngsters theoretically able to meet the requirements, the report said. Texas would come in second, with just over 250,000 possible beneficiaries, followed by Florida with 192,000, New York with 146,000 and Arizona, with 114,000.
The Migration Policy Institute report concludes that the DREAM Act would have a wide reach.more
State may eliminate use of student testing projection measurement
Facing stinging criticism, the Texas Education Agency may retool or eliminate the practice of counting as passing students who fail state-mandated tests but who are expected to pass in later years.
The Texas Projection Measure was first used last year and gives schools credit under the Texas and federal academic accountability systems for students who don't pass the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills but are expected to do so within three years.
In a letter sent Thursday to district administrators throughout the state, Education Commissioner Robert Scott said that he will review the measure because students' and educators' "hard work is being overshadowed by criticism of the use of TPM for state accountability purposes."
Scott could not be reached for comment Friday. In the letter, he asked for feedback on several options, including the suspension of the measurement, continued use of the measurement for districts that choose to and modification of the measurement's calculation.
Reached by phone Friday, state Rep. Scott Hochberg, chairman of an appropriations subcommittee overseeing the education budget, called Scott's proposals "lipstick on a pig."
"You don't make an invalid measure valid by doing less of it. I think we should start from scratch and develop a real measure of the progress students make in schools," said Hochberg, a Houston Democrat. "That's what this is supposed to be, but it never measured progress."
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Israeli Agriculture Ministry employee sold fake chemical permits
Police arrested an employee at the Agriculture Ministry on Thursday on suspicion of selling fake permits to purchase a controlled chemical pesticide. The suspect, Uri Haim, allegedly sold permits to farmers that allowed them to buy 67 tons of a substance called Methyl Bromide
United States
In the United States

Methyl bromide
In 1992 Israel ratified the Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer and began initiating a plan to gradually reduce the use of the pesticide. According to the Agriculture Ministry, use of the substance is set to be entirely banned by the end of 2011.
Israel’s MA Pays $1 Billion for U.S. Herbicide Maker
Farmers complained of receiving ‘fake permits’Ben-Even stressed that Methyl Bromide is considered a dangerous substance because it can also potentially be used for making explosives.
“We found out about the alleged forgeries after hearing complaints from farmers and receiving copies of the fake permits,” said Agriculture Ministry spokeswoman Dafna Yurista.
“We then approached the police with our suspicions and filed a formal complaint.”more JP
Thursday, July 8, 2010
U.S. Chamber of Commerce – Antiboycott
Antiboycott Issues
BackgroundDuring the mid-1970s the United States adopted two laws that seek to counteract the participation of U.S. citizens in other nation’s economic boycotts or embargoes. These “antiboycott” laws are the 1977 amendments to the Export Administration Act and the Ribicoff Amendment to the 1976 Tax Reform Act. Boycotts of Israel in some Arab nations — although less stringent today than in past years — are the principal foreign economic boycotts that U.S. companies must be concerned with today. The antiboycott laws, however, apply to all boycotts imposed by foreign countries that are unsanctioned by the United States.
It is currently a federal criminal offense under U.S. “antiboycott laws” for any U.S. person to participate in another nation’s boycotts or embargoes of third countries. The definition of “boycott” is expansive and includes such seemingly benign activity as furnishing information about the nationality of past or present business partners to an inquiring government. The penalties imposed for each “knowing” violation can be a fine of up to $50,000 or five times the value of the exports involved, whichever is greater, and imprisonment of up to five years. Under certain circumstances, the criminal penalties for each “willful” violation can be a fine of up to $50,000 and imprisonment for up to 10 years.
U.S. Chamber Position
We do not countenance boycotts in any form and international standards for combating such boycotts must be developed. Meanwhile, in the absence of such international agreement,more
Thank you and Great find Richard!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Find Reveals Early Humans Who Endured Harsh Cold
The finding, which will be published in Thursday’s edition of Nature, is the latest to show that scientists have perpetually underestimated the humans who lived thousands and millions of years ago. Accumulating evidence shows, for example, that Neanderthals were not the stupid brutes of public image but beings capable of symbolic thought.
The people whose tools were found in coastal England probably moved there during a warm period, but they proved their toughness when the weather cooled off, says Chris Stringer, an author of the new study.
“The remarkable thing is they don’t just give up when it starts getting cold,” says Stringer, of London’s Natural History Museum. “They’re hanging on here, at least for a while.”
Other new discoveries showing that ancient humans weren’t as simple as once believed:
* Early humans who lived 500,000 years ago could hunt big game, says Stringer, “leading more complex lives than I would’ve thought.” more
Racist pols go straight back to disarming blacks
Last month, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Chicago’s handgun ban. Gun rights groups hailed the ruling as a seminal moment in their ongoing fight to roll back restrictive gun-control legislation. As far as the National Rifle Association (NRA) is concerned, McDonald settles the matter once and for all: “This decision makes absolutely clear that the Second Amendment protects the God-given right of self-defense for all law-abiding Americans, period.” Be that as it may, the McDonald decision is really a victory for and about black Americans. At least it should be. America’s gun-control laws owe their genesis to the post-Civil War era, when white southerners moved to disarm freed slaves. The former Confederate states’ successful efforts to restrict gun ownership had disastrous long-term consequences for black Americans’ life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
Racist Roots of Gun Control
By Clayton E. CramerThe historical record provides compelling evidence that racism underlies gun control laws – and not in any subtle way. Throughout much of American history, gun control was openly stated as a method for keeping blacks and Hispanics “in their place,” and to quiet the racial fears of whites.
This paper is intended to provide a brief summary of this unholy alliance of gun control and racism, and to suggest that gun control laws should be regarded as “suspect ideas,”more
The Supreme Court’s majority opinion recognized this historical context. Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. framed the McDonald decision in terms of black Americans’ struggle for equality – and survival. He highlighted the court’s Cruikshank ruling after the Colfax Massacre, a genocidal slaughter perpetrated in 1873.
“Dozens of blacks, many unarmed, were slaughtered by a rival band of armed white men,” Justice Alito wrote. “Cruikshank himself allegedly marched unarmed African-American prisoners through the streets and then had them summarily executed. Ninety-seven men were indicted for participating in the massacre, but only nine went to trial.” A Louisiana court dismissed all charges, including depriving the victims of their Second Amendment right to bear arms. More than 100 years later, the Supreme Court has finally restored black Americans’ Second Amendment protections. They did so on behalf of a beleaguered black man living in Chicago – a man who shared his ancestors’ desire to protect himself, his family and his property with a firearm.
History is, of course, repeating itself. Just as Southern states subverted black Americans’ right to vote through intimidation and discriminatory eligibility requirements, Chicago’s Mayor Richard Daley has just signed handgun-licensing legislation that violates both the spirit and the letter of the McDonald decision
The Chicago handgun-licensing laws enacted just four days after the Supreme Court ruling include four hours of mandatory training and testing more
Monday, July 5, 2010
Africa not the only country overrun with the epidemic of a Hiv/AIDS
Baton Rouge area second, New Orleans third in nation in AIDS
The Baton Rouge metropolitan area ranks second in the nation in AIDS case rates, and New Orleans is No. 3, according to 2008 statistics released recently by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Miami ranks No. 1 in the nation, according to CDC data.Sunday's Advocate reported that last year, the Baton Rouge metro area ranked No. 3 in the nation for AIDS case rates, according to the 2007 data.
The CDC uses the U.S. Census Bureau's Metropolitan Statistical Area to define the Baton Rouge metro area. It consists of nine parishes: East and West Baton Rouge, Ascension, Iberville, Pointe Coupee, East and West Feliciana, Livingston and St. Helena.
HIV/AIDS in the United States
The number of people living with HIV infection in the United States (HIV prevalence) is higher than ever before. CDC has estimated that more than 1 million (1,106,400) adults and adolescents were living with HIV infection in the United States at the end of 2006, the most recent year for which national prevalence estimates are available. This represents an increase of approximately 11% from the previous estimate in 2003 [1]. The increase may be due to:
Louisiana is ranked fourth in the nation for its rate of AIDS cases, according to the 2008 data.
DeAnn Gruber, interim administrative director of the state Office of Public Health's HIV/AIDS Program, said the ranking is nothing new and that the Baton Rouge metro area has ranked in the top 10 for its percentage of AIDS cases for a decade now.
"Late testing is a major factor," Gruber said when asked why the Baton Rouge metro area ranks so high.
Mayor-President Kip Holden said the HIV and AIDS problem in the Baton Rouge metro area is a "monumental health problem."
"We have been consistently ranked in the top five and it's a major problem here at home that continues to rear its ugly head," Holden said.
Jim Llorens, one of Holden's assistant chief administrative officers, called the problem a "community issue" and not something that any one agency can deal with alone.
"We need to make sure people are aware that testing is critical. This (HIV/AIDS) is something we take very seriously," Llorens said. Shirley Lolis, executive director of the Baton Rouge Black Alcoholism Council Metro Health, has been working for more than 20 years in HIV/AIDS prevention in communities in and around Baton Rouge.MORE
Most-at-risk populations(WHO)
Focusing attention on population groups who may be most at risk of HIV infection through their behaviour, such as sex workers and their clients, injecting drug users, men who have sex with men and prisoners, is an important priority for the health sector. Promoting condom use and appropriately managing sexually transmitted infections are essential to prevent the sexual transmission of HIV.Sunday, July 4, 2010
Israel’s MA Pays $1 Billion for U.S. Herbicide Maker
Makhteshim Agan Industries
MA is a subsidiary of Koor Industries
“This is a transformational acquisition,” Erez Vigodman, president and chief executive of MA, said in a statement. “It extends our industry leadership to North and South America, giving us the opportunity to participate in fast-growing markets and significantly improving the global balance and diversity of our revenue sources.”
Albaugh, which was founded in 1979 by Dennis Albaugh, is based in Ankeny, Iowa, in the heart of the American grain belt.more
Will the NRA endorse Harry Reid
The conservative Netroots are abuzz over the possibility that the NRA may endorse Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). This would be the second major slight by the NRA for political conservatives — the gun group also just negotiated a big exemption on a campaign finance bill loathed by the right.
Conservatives say there’s a clear political calculation at work: If Reid loses, he’s almost certain to be succeeded as majority leader by a fierce gun-control advocate, either Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin or New York Sen. Chuck Schumer.
The NRA isn't even denying this line of reasoning but says it hasn’t made a decision about whether to endorse Reid. “The Second Amendment and the National Rifle Association are always one bad incident away from politicians like Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin exploiting their agenda of gun control,” said Andrew Arulanandam, an NRA spokesman.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Albanian Police Riot.
Translation below Posted 21 hours ago by “Enead
The civilians built their homes illegally and without permission on land that was zoned for Touristic reasons in the beach tourist city of Durres. The police have no come to try and evict these people and knock down the buildings. The people don’t like this so they are fighting back.more
Archaeologists Begin Dig on Buried Stone Circle Ten Times Bigger Than Stonehenge
Most of the Neolithic henge has been destroyed over the years due to farming and erosion but minor excavations in 41 years ago estimate the site to between 2,000 and 2,400BC.
Marden Henge was once a 45ft high mound surrounded by a water filled ditch which was used for sacrificial offerings.
Although the henge no longer has its vast stone circle it has a large puzzling sunken circular feature which is almost unheard of at Neolithic sites.
A team of 15 archaeologists and historians believe the dig could show the ancient site is even more significant than both Stonehenge and Avebury stone circles.
Archaeologist Jim Leary, 34, said: ‘Virtually nothing is known about this vast circle. We are starting from point zero.
‘Marden Henge deserves to be understood more partly because of its size, but also due to its proximity to the more famous stone circles at Avebury and Stonehenge.
‘The relationship between the latter two sites – chronology of their construction, whether it is built by the same people, how they were used, is of immense interest.
‘How Marden relates to them is another layer of interest which we want to study.
‘We are potentially looking at a much more intricate system of Neolithic ritual sites in this part of the world than we previously thought.MORE
Friday, July 2, 2010
Chicago Mayor Daley plans strict handgun law
With the city’s ban on handguns certain to be overturned, Mayor Richard Daley on Thursday introduced what city officials say would be the strictest ordinance in the United States to regulate such weapons.
The measure, which draws from ordinances across the country, would ban gun shops in Chicago and prohibit gun owners from stepping outside their homes, even onto their porches or garages, with a handgun.
Daley announced his ordinance at a park on the city’s South Side three days after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Americans have a right to own a gun for self-defense anywhere they live. The City Council is expected to vote on it Friday.
Somali who attacked prophet cartoonist Westergaard charged with terrorism
Joergen Steen Soerensen said the man, who cannot be named under a court order, wanted to “seriously frighten the population” and destabilize Denmark in the January attack on Kurt Westergaard.
The 28-year-old allegedly forced himself into Westergaard’s home — armed with a knife and an axe — trying to break into the panic room where the Danish cartoonist was hiding. Police, who had been alerted to the scene, shot the attacker in the hand and leg as he tried to escape. Westergaard, age 74, was not hurt in the attack.
The suspect, who has been in custody since the attack, claimed he only wanted to frighten Westergaard and has denied all charges except of possessing weapons. Soerensen said the suspect was also charged with attempted murder of a police officer. If found guilty, he faces a life sentence, which in Denmark is generally reduced to 16 years in prison.
Arizona to Release Immigration Training Plan for Police Officers
Guide to Selected U.S. Travel and Identity Documents
Prepared by the Forensic Document Laboratory
Arizona officials plan to release a training program Thursday designed to teach police officers to enforce a tough new crackdown on illegal immigration without racially profiling.
An hour-long video and supporting paperwork will be sent to all 170 Arizona police agencies and publicly released Thursday morning.
Officials released an outline for the video in May.
It will emphasize the importance of professionalism, ethics and integrity, as well as an officer's duty to protect civil rights, according to the outline.
Retired immigration agents also will describe how federal officers are trained to avoid racial profiling and the documents that immigrants are required to carry.
And officers will be taught how to contact federal immigration authorities or local officers certified by the federal government to determine someone's immigration status.
Gov. Jan Brewer ordered the Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board to develop the training when she signed the law April 23.
Police bosses will decide the best way to teach their forces. But there is no requirement that all 15,000 Arizona police officers complete the training before the law takes effect July 29.
Opponents have challenged the measure as unconstitutional and have asked that a federal court block it from taking effect. U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton plans to hear arguments on the request later this month.more
Under Satan's Sun by Bloody Hammers
If Kickstarter was around in the early 1900s you would have seen things a little more innovative than the Grilled Cheezus , a birthda...
The shocking minutes relating to President Putin’s meeting this past week with US Secretary of State John Kerry reveal the Russian leader...