Friday, July 27, 2012

Carbon Taxes – Cap and Trade; Are they for Western or Developed Nations Only?

July 26, 2012 – 7:14 am(Edit)
as i under stand it , this carbon tax is only going to be placed on developed western nations like north America and Europe while not taxing developing nations like africa and Asia , so the ” developing” nations are allowed to pollute as much as they want and no fear of being penalized for it ! sounds like commie talk to me , just more distributing of the wealth !
Carbon pricing is the ultimate antisocial policy.The trouble with carbon pricing or taxation is there’s nowhere really that consumer spending can fly to to avoid carbon pricing.In the United Kingdom, for example, around 90% of the country’s energy is derived from fossil fuels. A carbon price will make everything more expensive – mostly for consumers.

Pigovian tax

A Pigovian tax (also spelled Pigouvian tax) is a tax applied to a market activity that generates negative externalities. The tax is intended to correct the market outcome. In the presence of negative externalities, the social cost of a market activity is not covered by the private cost of the activity. In such a case, the market outcome is not efficient and may lead to over-consumption of the product. A Pigovian tax equal to the negative externality is thought to correct the market outcome back to efficiency.
In the presence of positive externalities, i.e., public benefits from a market activity, those who receive the benefit do not pay for it and the market may under-supply the product. Similar logic suggests the creation of Pigovian subsidies to make the users pay for the extra benefit and spur more production.

Despite the phenomenal, almost exponential, growth in renewable energy deployment, not everybody can choose to use green energy – there simply isn’t enough to go round.The theoretical basis for carbon pricing, taxation, and quota markets (as known as cap and trade, or cap-and-something) is that the polluter should pay. The thing is, it’s not clear in the theory whether the polluter is the energy company who produces dirty energy, or the consumer of the dirty energy (who doesn’t have a choice about the carbon content of the energy they use).
Pricing carbon is the cornerstone of a blueprint to contain climate change as it would provide both incentives and disincentives to reduce emissions. It would also drive investment and research dollars into renewable energy and efficiency. The best thing that governments can do to reduce emissions is to implement a cap and trade scheme or failing that, a carbon tax.

Cap and Trade

Creating carbon markets is among the most expedient ways to address climate change. Cap and trade rewards efficiency and punishes polluters. It would also increase green jobs, lower electricity bills, enhance competitiveness, and forestall a climate catastrophe.
The cap and trade strategy allows governments to set incrementally lower limits on CO2 emissions. Those who emit CO2 could either reduce their emissions to meet the targets, or they could buy emission credits from those who can come in under the targets.  MORE
CARBON TAXES AROUND THE WORLDCHINA (state-based action)China is planning a carbon tax on big energy consumers by 2015, and it’s likely the cost of each tonne of CO2 will be $US1.55. Some states have already introduced a carbon tax.UNITED STATES (state-based action)
There is no nationwide carbon tax levelled in the USA, although a few states have introduced the tax. Colorado passed a carbon tax in November 2006. California has a carbon tax of 4.4 cents per tonne of CO2. In Maryland, a tonne of CO2 is worth $5 from a source emitting more than a million tonnes of carbon dioxide during that year.
CANADA (province-based action)
Canada does not have a federal carbon tax, but some Canadian provinces do have carbon taxes. The provinces of Quebec and Alberta introduced a carbon tax in 2007. British Columbia introduced a tax of $10 per tonne of CO2 in July 2010.
INDIA (tax on coal)
In July 2010, India introduced a nationwide carbon tax of 50 rupees per tonne ($1.07) of coal both produced and imported to India.
SOUTH KOREA introduced a national carbon tax in 2008.
JAPAN currently does not have a carbon tax but it’s planning to implement one.
EUROPE (national-based action)
A carbon tax was proposed by the European Commission in 2010, but a carbon tax has not been agreed upon by the 27 member states. The current proposal by the European Commission would charge firms between 4 and 30 euros per metric tonne of CO2.
The European Union enacted an emissions trading scheme in 2005 which places a cap on the amount of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide that can be emitted by big polluters. It operates in the 27 EU member states as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Their current target is a 21 per cent cut of 2005 emissions by 2025 (Australia’s is a 5% cut of 2000 emissions by 2020).
Several European countries have enacted a carbon tax. They include: Denmark, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK.
Finland introduced the world’s first carbon tax in 1990, initially with exemptions for specific sectors. Manly changes were later introduced, such as a border tax on imported electricity.  Natural gas has a reduced tax rate, while peat was exempted between 2005 and 2010. In 2010, Finland’s price on carbon was €20 per tonne of CO2.
The Netherlands introduced a carbon tax in 1990, which was then replaced by a tax on fuels. In 2007, it introduced a carbon-based tax on packaging, to encourage recycling.
In 1991, Sweden enacted a tax on the use of coal, oil, natural gas, petrol and aviation fuel used in domestic travel. The tax was 0.25 SEK/kg ($US100 per tonne of C02) and was later raised to $US150. With Sweden raising prices on fossil fuels since enacting the carbon tax, it cut its carbon pollution by 9 per cent between 1990 and 2006.
In 1991, Norway introduced a tax on carbon. However its carbon emissions increased by 43 per cent per capita between 1991 and 2008.
Since 2002, Denmark has had a carbon tax of 100 DKK per metric ton of CO2, equivalent to approximately 13 Euros or 18 US dollars. Denmark’s carbon tax applies to all energy users, but industrial companies are taxed differently depending on the process the energy is used for, and whether or not the company has entered into a voluntary agreement to apply energy efficiency measures.
A carbon incentive tax was introduced in Switzerland in 2008. It includes all fossil fuels, unless they are used for energy. Swiss companies can be exempt from the tax if they participate in the country’s emissions trading system. The tax amounts to CHF 36 per metric tonne CO2.
In 1993, the UK government introduced a tax on retail petroleum products, to reduce emissions in the transport sector. The UK’s Climate Change Levy was introduced in 2001.
A tax on oil and gas came into effect in 2010. It was estimated to add around €43 to filling a 1000 litre oil tank and €41 to the average annual gas bill.
In 1997, Costa Rica enacted a tax on carbon pollution, set at 3.5 per cent of the market value of fossil fuels. The revenue raised from this goes into a national forest fund which pays indigenous communities for protecting the forests around them.

With lawmakers around the world thinking more and more about the dangerous gasses causing global warming, acid rain and other destructive environmental problems, some have suggested a tax on carbon, or on greenhouse gas emissions in general. Some of the goals of a carbon tax are to reduce consumption of fossil fuels and to make the cost of them more comparable to forms of alternative energy, like solar power or geothermal power.

Smart Meters – A Call For Public Outrage

Smart meters are the latest technological imposition of utilities generating power to force with no option to opt out a system of control of billing power consumption of consumers at peak energy time rates. This should come as no surprise, but Smart Grid is an Agenda 21 population control Carbon Tax based population TAX ! There is no Federal Law mandating Smart Meters, and even if there was it would be between the Utilities and Federal Regulators and cannot include a non-contracted third party, the consumer. It violates the Federal Wiretapping Laws and clearly builds databases for sale of private information of power usages with the electrical signature of every appliance and time use in the home. This is powerful marketing and control data in the hands of control-freak bureaucrats and marketing gurus.
Smart Meters thus have two primary areas of contention. First, they are a bold invasion of privacy and purport to have authority to gather data and modify behavior and consumption patterns of unwitting power consumers and market data to third parties and government and policing agencies. Second, they are a Class 2b Carcinogen even by WHO standards, and the mountain of toxic data is mounting that Smart Meters are thousands of times more toxic than even cell phones, causing cancer, insomnia, and numerous medical problems.

Carbon taxes have already been implemented in a variety of forms in some parts of the world. For example, several Northern European countries have accepted various forms of carbon tax. One such country is Sweden, which taxes consumers and industry but not utilities. The carbon tax in Quebec is aimed at energy and oil companies, who, in turn, are sure to pass the cost on to consumers [source: CBC]. The United States has also given carbon tax a go in the form of a municipality tax in Boulder, Colo. [source: Kelley]. Consumers and businesses are taxed according to the amount of kilowatts they use, and they are allowed offsetting discounts for using alternative energy.  MORE

Agenda 21

Agenda 21 is Sustainable Development, and was created through the United Nations. It is the blueprint for depopulation and total control, under the banner of saving the environment.  It is like the head of a beast that has thousands of tentacles, originating from the United Nations.
The 3 primary tools that are used are:
  • Man-made global warming
  • Water shortages
  • Endangered Species Act
We all want clean air, water, land and food, but phony environmentalism is designed to create fear in order to implement the policies of tyranny. For example, the Globalists used global warming fear mongering in order to usher in the Cap & Trade and carbon tax schemes without debate.

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