Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Russia Warns Obama: Global War Over “Bee Apocalypse” Coming Soon; as Millions worldwide protest Monsanto.

The shocking minutes relating to President Putin’s meeting this past week with US Secretary of State John Kerry reveal the Russian leaders “extreme outrage” over the Obama regimes continued protection of global seed and plant bio-genetic giants Syngenta and Monsanto in the face of a growing “bee apocalypse” that the Kremlin warns “will most certainly” lead to world war.
According to these minutes, released in the Kremlin today by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation (MNRE), Putin was so incensed over the Obama regimes refusal to discuss this grave matter that he refused for three hoursto even meet with Kerry, who had traveled to Moscow on a scheduled diplomatic mission, but then relented so as to not cause an even greater rift between these two nations.
At the center of this dispute between Russia and the US, this MNRE report says, is the“undisputed evidence” that a class of neuro-active insecticides chemically related to nicotine, known as neonicotinoids, are destroying our planets bee population, and which if left unchecked could destroy our world’s ability to grow enough food to feed its population.
So grave has this situation become, the MNRE reports, the full European Commission (EC) this past week instituted a two-year precautionary ban (set to begin on 1 December 2013) on these “bee killing” pesticides following the lead of Switzerland, France, Italy, Russia, Slovenia and Ukraine, all of whom had previously banned these most dangerous of genetically altered organisms from being used on the continent.  <>
Worldwide Protest in 52 Countries,  436 Cities Targeting  Monsanto and GMOs
More than 2 million protesters in 436 cities across the world took to the streets Saturday, in a unified charge against agribusiness giant Monsanto and genetically modified foods. The AP reported that the “March Against Monsanto” protests took place in at least 52 countries and 436 cities.
The movement grew from a Facebook page — reportedly created months ago — that called for the May 25 demonstrations. The organizers advocate for boycotts against Monsanto-owned companies that use GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and pushed for GMO labeling, in addition to further studies of the health effects of GMOs.
Genetically modified organisms have been engineered with ideal traits. Monsanto, which ranked #206 in 2013′s Fortune 500 list, is a large producer of genetically modified seeds.
In the U.S., the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) supports voluntary labeling for foods produced via genetic engineering. This year, President Barack Obama signed a bill that included a “Farmer Assurance Provision,” which reportedly could make it more difficult to stop the sale of questionable crops. That’s why critics nicknamed it the “Monsanto Protection Act.”  >>more<<

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