Israeli Media Reveals The Secret Behind Communism; ‘The Bloody Dwarf,’ and Genrikh Yagoda for starters.
thank you for the video Brian
( Alexander Solzhenitsyn, “Gulag Archipelago” )read online or download pdf
Solzhenitsyn writes of the period in 1934 and 1935, when the Jewish commissar Genrikh Yagoda headed the Soviet secret police, and Yagoda’s black vans went out every night in St. Petersburg, known then as Leningrad, to round up “class enemies”: former members of the aristocracy, former civil servants, former businessmen, former teachers and professors and professional people, any Russian — any real Russian — who had graduated from a university. A quarter of the population of the city was arrested and liquidated by Yagoda during this two-year period.
Inside Stalin’s Darkroom
by Robert ConquestHoover fellow Robert Conquest reviews a new book, The Commissar Vanishes, that documents Soviet doctoring of photographs, paintings, and even sculpture. How the Communists cropped history.
Dead bodies were a common product of the Stalinist system. Minds did not do well either. They had to endure a continuous barrage of untruth. It can be argued that the Soviet Union’s main negative characteristic–with plenty to choose from–was falsification. One finds it right from the start. But in the 1930s, after the disastrous failure of collectivization, the disjunction was complete. Two different Soviet Unions existed: the official one of a flourishing and happy country (beset, though, by traitors) and the reality of poverty, squalor, terror, and a crushed population.The prettier of these pictures was compulsory in all the Soviet media and deniable by citizens at the cost of their liberty or lives. It was also conveyed to the outer world as far as possible, especially to a stratum of the Western intelligentsia, many of whom were taken in by Soviet representatives in the West who officially denied the very existence of the 1933 famine, let alone its causes.
Above, Soviet premier Vyacheslav Molotov (seated, center) is surrounded by Uzbek party leaders. To his left and right are Akhun Babayev and Abel Yenukidze; standing, left to right, are Ortaqlar Blan Birlikda, Zalaridan Avezov, and Tursun Kodzhayev.
In the purges of 1936–1938, one of Nikolai Yezhov’s firing squads eliminated Yenukidze. Retouchers removed him from the photo, necessitating the re-creation of Kodzhayev’s suit.
The most falsified area of all was history, especially the history of the revolution itself. To the connoisseur of falsification, there is something especially striking about the way in which the Soviet visual images were massively and pervasively amended. New versions of old photographs, designed to remove unpersons from the record, are the main theme of David King’s The Commissar Vanishes: The Falsification of Photographs and Art in Stalin’s Russia. A photographic expert, King has made the pursuit of Soviet falsification something of a hobby, and, as is often the case with this sort of amateur devotion, he has scored a striking success with this selection from his materials.With modern technology, visual revisionism would no doubt be simple. We thus have to admire the skill of more primitive artists who created what must be seen, in their context, as minor masterpieces. Along with other interesting material, King has given us two different types of visual unpersoning: first, a number of crudely blacked-out faces in books; second, and far more striking, the actual faking of photographs to remove unwanted figures. This is his central theme, and it should be overwhelmingly instructive (to the as yet uninstructed) about Stalinism.Photographic revisionism started under Lenin, the earliest Soviet phase. We get a splendid photograph of a demonstration in 1917 in which a sign over a shop reading Watches: Gold and Silver in the original becomes Struggle for Your Rights in the duplicate. But this was small stuff compared with what came to be normal in the 1930s and beyond. >>more<<
Photo of Yezhov conferring with Stalin.
Nikolai Ivanovich Yezhov (May 1, 1895 – February 4, 1940) was a senior figure in the NKVD (the Soviet secret police) during the period of the Great Purge. His reign is sometimes known as the “Yezhovschina”.
Physically, Yezhov was very short in stature (only five foot, or 151 cm) – and that, combined with his sadistic personality led to his nickname ‘The Poisoned Dwarf’ or ‘The Bloody Dwarf’.- See more at:
Interrogations of Nikolai Ezhov,
former People’s Commissar for
Internal Affairs.
We do not know how many interrogations of Ezhov are in existence. All the prosecution materials concerning virtually all the important matters of the later 1930s in the USSR are still top-secret, kept in the Presidential Archives of the Russian Federation. I have simply translated those texts that have been published as of this date (July 2010).
I have compiled and translated these confessions from the following “semi-official” sources:
Briukhanov, Boris Borisovich, and Shoshkov, Evgenii Nikolaevich. Opravdaniiu ne podlezhit. Ezhov i Ezhovshchina 1936-1938 gg. Sankt-Peterburg: OOO “Petrovskii Fond” 1998.Polianskii, Aleksei. Ezhov. Istoriia ?zheleznogo? stalinskogo narkoma. Moscow: ?Veche?, ?Aria-AiF?, 2001.Pavliukov, Aleksei. Ezhov. Biografiia. Moscow: Zakharov, 2007.
I term these sources “semi-official” since they are quoted unproblematically by all the anticommunist scholars. These scholars ignore them almost completely, and ignore their implications completely, but they do not consider the documents false.
In addition I have used these sources, which are more or less “official”:
Lubianka. Stalin i NKVD – NKGB – GUKR ?SMERSH?. 1939 – mart 1946. Moscow: ?Materik?, 2006.Petrov, Nikita, and Iansen [Jansen], Mark. ?Stalinskii pitomets? — Nikolai Ezhov. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2008.
A few remarks have been taken from other sources, mainly Vassilii Soima, Zapreshchennyi Stalin, Chast’ 1. Moscow: OLMA-PRESS, 2001. Where possible I have checked the text with the versions online at , “Documents of Soviet Power and of Soviet-Communist Terror”, which has used the sources above.
Here I only present them in English translation for interested students. Naturally they must be studied. I’m doing that but I do not present my results here.
NOTE: We have one very important confession by Mikhail Frinovskii, Ezhov’s Assistant Commissar — that of April 11, 1939. Also published in the Lubianka volume cited above, I have put a translation of it online here.
It should be read in connection with Ezhov’s confessions.
Grover Furr
July 31 2010
July 31 2010
Ezhov interrogations
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