Wyoming governor wants refugee resettlement in state
This map shows the number of refugees arriving in each state in the latest fiscal year with the country of origin for the largest number of refugees. Created by Jenn Harris for the Reporting on Health Collaborative.
Since we first posted a fact sheet in 2007 and updated it again in 2010 we have had 31,236 visitors access this post.
Please help spread the word on the new 2013 Fact Sheet a collaborative effort between RRW and others!
1. Since 1975, the U.S. has resettled over 3 million refugees, with annual admissions figures ranging from a high of 207,000 in 1980 to a low of 27,110 in 2002 (in the aftermath of 911) .
The average number of refugees admitted annually since 1980 is about 98,000. Additionally, in recent years, another 40,000 or more per year come in as asylum seekers and Cuban/Haitian entrants – all with the same rights and entitlements as refugees.
All these flows detonate their own chain migration flows in addition to the refugee influx. These follow-on flows have easily multiplied the original admission numbers by a factor of 4 or more.
The quota for 2013 is 70,000 and it looks like it will be met this year. There is strong political pressure to get refugee numbers back to over 100,000. < < < really?! and more REALLY!
15. The program has gradually shifted towards the resettlement of refugees from Muslim countries. Some individuals from Muslim countries are Christians or other minorities, but most are Muslims. In the early 90’s the percentage of Muslim refugees was near 0; by 2000 the program was 44% Muslim. The Muslim component decreased after 911, but today is back up to about 40% and is set to rise from here.
Membership in a U.S.-registered Islamic terrorist group is not a bar to entry on the program as long as the refugee was not a “direct participant” in “terrorist” activity.
16. Refugees, successful asylum seekers, trafficking victim visa holders, “Cuban-Haitian Entrants” (which are mostly Cuban), S.I.V’s (for Iraqis and Afghanis) and other smaller humanitarian admission groups are eligible for ALL federal, state and local welfare programs 30 days after arrival.
Refugee access to welfare on the same basis as a U.S. citizen has made the program a global magnet.
22. Refugee resettlement is profitable to the organizations involved in it. They receive money from the federal government for each refugee they bring over. They have almost no real responsibilities for these refugees. After 4 months the “sponsoring” organization is not even required to know where the refugee lives.
This chart shows the number of refugees arriving in the U.S. over time from specific regions. Created by Jenn Harris for the Reporting on Health Collaborative. |
There are 9 main major refugee resettlement organizations (Volags from “Voluntary Agency”) with approximately 450 affiliated organizations throughout the country; many are run by former refugees. Below are the 9 Volags that operate today:
IHRC 114 DuBois, Rachel Davis, Papers, ca. 1917-1974 17 Linear Feet
AbstractDuBois was born in Clarkesboro, NJ, the daughter of Quaker farmers. She attended Bucknell University, and taught in the schools of Glassboro, NJ, until 1920. From 1920 to 1924, she was active in the peace movement. Subsequently, improvement of racial and ethnic group relations and development of greater appreciation for American society's diverse cultural strains became her life's work. She helped develop the assembly program technique, which combined assembly programs on contributions of various ethnic or racial groups to American life with classroom follow-up. After moving to New York City in 1929, DuBois initiated and participated in a series of intercultural curriculum experiments in schools in Washington, DC; Philadelphia, PA; and Englewood, NJ. She received her doctorate in educational sociology from NYU. In 1934, she founded the Service Bureau for Education in Human Relations, later identified as the Service Bureau for Intercultural Education.In 1941, DuBois founded the Intercultural Education Workshop, which in 1946 was incorporated as the Workshop for Cultural Democracy. It remained in existence until about 1958. In 1951, the State Department sent DuBois to West Germany to aid in post-war reconstruction. When she returned, the Workshop focused its efforts on programs to train "leaders of leaders" on a nationwide basis. After its dissolution, she was invited by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to lead a program to lessen race tensions in the South. Her lifetime activities as teacher, author, lecturer, and organizational leader earned her many commendations and distinctions. Papers include both personal papers and organizational records documenting much of DuBois's life and career, and are comprised of correspondence, minutes, reports, publications, and curricular materials. In English. Inventory available. Related collections: Bureau for Intercultural Education; Stewart G. Cole.Dr. DuBois’ great and increasing interest in issues of race is reflected in the seventh series, RACE RELATIONS. The 21 folders span the years 1943-1973, but mostly relate to DuBois’ involvement in the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in the 1960s. The papers relating to her relationship with Dr. W.E.B. DuBois and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. are not very extensive, but quite interesting and valuable. Most of this series consists of reports of projects DuBois started or was involved in, such as the “Ten Cities Project” of the S.C.L.C. and the Southern Rural Action Project. Series VIII, RESOURCES, is the largest of the collection, and includes seven boxes of published and unpublished writings that DuBois received and collected during her life. In contrast to the other series of collection, most of this series is arranged by subject. In some cases the original arrangement and folder titles of Dr. DuBois were retained, but most of the materials of this series were divided in a new manner. The first ca. 40 folders hold magazine articles and newspaper clippings on books, ethnic and race relations, 24 different ethnic and racial groups, intercultural education, and more. The remainder of the series consists of newspapers, newsletters, magazines, reports, pamphlets, and writings by others. The latter subdivision covers the period 1922-1955 and contains some interesting unpublished and published material by Louis Adamic, Franz Boas, W.E.B. DuBois, and Bruno Lasker.
2. The U.S. takes more than twice as many refugees as all countries from the rest of the industrialized world combined.
3. One of the operative assumptions of those in the refugee industry is that, since the U.S. is behind most of the chaos in the world – Syria, here we come!, it is morally obligated to take the lead in resettling the world’s refugees. Yet, for 2012 the leading countries, in order of numbers of refugees sent to the U.S., were Bhutan, Burma, Iraq, Somalia, Cuba, Dem. Rep. Congo, Iran, Eritrea, Sudan. All America’s fault? In very recent memory the MSM was celebrating Bhutan and suggesting the U.S. had something to learn from the Bhutanese concept of a “Product of National Happiness”.
Forced Migration Online (FMO) is home to a growing collection of resources relating to refugees and forced migration. All our resources are available for free. - See more at:
Ironically, the U.S. refugee program diverts resources from assistance on the ground to those very countries in the developing world which carry the main burden of refugee crises.
4. In recent years up to 95% of the refugees coming to the U.S. were referred by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) or were the relatives of UN-picked refugees. Until the late 90’s the U.S. picked the large majority of refugees for resettlement in the U.S.
Considering that the refugee influx causes increases in all legal and illegal immigration as family and social networks are established in the U.S., the U.N. is effectively dictating much of U.S. immigration policy. MORE FACT SHEETS
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