This is the House HCR bill 10/29/2009 aka ‘‘Affordable Health Care for America Act’’.
Please go to the link below to download and read All 1990 Pages of it. I got this from c-span and I'll also include some other down loadable links of interest.
Did you know that the word "penalty" is mentioned 113 times in the newest #Healthcare bill?
Description of Policy Options Expanding Health Care Coverage:
In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell --
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Drasius Keyds , A new Hero to all!
A dad who shot dead a judge and a senior politician because they molested his three-year old daughter has become a national hero after going on the run in Lithuania.
Horrified Drasius Keyds, 37, gunned down the perverted pair on Monday after police turned a deaf ear to his pleas for justice for his tortured tot. Now in hiding, Keyds has become a hero on YouTube and Facebook with hundreds of thousands of fans from all over the world pledging support.
It does not matter how it all ends, but I shall not be silent: for the sake of my raped little daughter, for the sake of the raped children and future victims that may appear if we do not punish these people. Maybe, after reading my words, victims and relatives of these perverts shall respond.All my requests to prosecutors are rejected. The request to interrogate Judge of Kaunas County Court was rejected by the prosecutor Kiuršinas, as information about the Judge is not checked by process actions: the indicated way of recognition was not performed according to norms of the Criminal Code of Practice of the Republic of Lithuania. (taken from dk letter to nobody)
“You are a hero to all of us,” reads one Facebook message. “What you did is nothing but justice.”
Keyds’ nightmare began a year ago when daughter Deimantela told him about a meeting set up by his then fiancee with judge Jonas Furmanavicziusa and the Speaker of Lithuania’s parliament , Andrius Us.
The pair allegedly raped and abused the youngster who reported her ordeal to her father. But a year long campaign for a police investigation failed when detectives told Keyds there was not enough evidence to proceed with a case.
Horrified Drasius Keyds, 37, gunned down the perverted pair on Monday after police turned a deaf ear to his pleas for justice for his tortured tot. Now in hiding, Keyds has become a hero on YouTube and Facebook with hundreds of thousands of fans from all over the world pledging support.
It does not matter how it all ends, but I shall not be silent: for the sake of my raped little daughter, for the sake of the raped children and future victims that may appear if we do not punish these people. Maybe, after reading my words, victims and relatives of these perverts shall respond.All my requests to prosecutors are rejected. The request to interrogate Judge of Kaunas County Court was rejected by the prosecutor Kiuršinas, as information about the Judge is not checked by process actions: the indicated way of recognition was not performed according to norms of the Criminal Code of Practice of the Republic of Lithuania. (taken from dk letter to nobody)
“You are a hero to all of us,” reads one Facebook message. “What you did is nothing but justice.”
Keyds’ nightmare began a year ago when daughter Deimantela told him about a meeting set up by his then fiancee with judge Jonas Furmanavicziusa and the Speaker of Lithuania’s parliament , Andrius Us.
The pair allegedly raped and abused the youngster who reported her ordeal to her father. But a year long campaign for a police investigation failed when detectives told Keyds there was not enough evidence to proceed with a case.
Hey Hey It’s Saturday blackface skit
They had a little about this on the world news one night when I was having dinner & I’m actually so happy I found that so I could post it. This was an excellent performance done by some very intelligent white men who where all going to college to be part of the Medical Field 20 years ago when they first did this and where asked to come back and do it again! Thank You I'm glad you did. So btw these are no dummies at all. Just a group of college friends who happen to be white men with talent and a sense of humor. So everyone who calls these men racist needs to get their panties out of a twist!

The Michael Jackson character this time had his face painted white.
Connick Jr was one of the judges of the segment and took offence to the act, giving it a score of zero.
“If they turned up looking like that in the United States, it would be like ‘hey, hey, there’s no more show’,” he said.
A backstage source said that after the segment Connick Jr expressed his disgust and negotiated an on-air apology at the end of the live broadcast between him and Somers.
“I think we may have offended you with that act and I deeply apologise on behalf of all of us – because I know that to your countrymen, that’s an insult to have a blackface routine like that on the show, so I do apologise to you,” Somers said.
Connick Jr responded, saying he would not have participated if he know beforehand about the Jackson Jive skit.
“I feel like I am at home here and if I knew that was going to be part of the show, I probably, I definitely wouldn’t have done it,” he said.
During last night’s Red Faces segment, Somers said the contestants had appeared on the show 20 years ago with the same act.
The group, who were medical students at the time, had won the
Last night, the performer playing Michael Jackson told Somers he now works as a plastic surgeon. The other members of the group said they were also working as medical professionals, including as a radiologist, a cardiologist and a psychologist.
The online response to last night’s segment was mixed, with some viewers coming out in support of Connick Jr..
“Well done to the guy for not just sitting there through that crap,” said one Twitter user.
“Oz is copping it hard with this whole Harry Connick ‘blackface’ thing. Anyone with 1/2 a brain knows its wrong,” said another.
Another added: “Big up Harry Connick Jr. for saying something and not just going along with it”.
But others on Twitter disagreed with Connick’s stance.
“If painting your face black is racist well then I’m the biggest racist of them all! What a waste of space,” said one.
“So Harry Connick has gone down a peg in my estimation” said another.
The Michael Jackson character this time had his face painted white.
Connick Jr was one of the judges of the segment and took offence to the act, giving it a score of zero.
“If they turned up looking like that in the United States, it would be like ‘hey, hey, there’s no more show’,” he said.
A backstage source said that after the segment Connick Jr expressed his disgust and negotiated an on-air apology at the end of the live broadcast between him and Somers.
“I think we may have offended you with that act and I deeply apologise on behalf of all of us – because I know that to your countrymen, that’s an insult to have a blackface routine like that on the show, so I do apologise to you,” Somers said.
Connick Jr responded, saying he would not have participated if he know beforehand about the Jackson Jive skit.
“I feel like I am at home here and if I knew that was going to be part of the show, I probably, I definitely wouldn’t have done it,” he said.
During last night’s Red Faces segment, Somers said the contestants had appeared on the show 20 years ago with the same act.
The group, who were medical students at the time, had won the
Last night, the performer playing Michael Jackson told Somers he now works as a plastic surgeon. The other members of the group said they were also working as medical professionals, including as a radiologist, a cardiologist and a psychologist.
The online response to last night’s segment was mixed, with some viewers coming out in support of Connick Jr..
“Well done to the guy for not just sitting there through that crap,” said one Twitter user.
“Oz is copping it hard with this whole Harry Connick ‘blackface’ thing. Anyone with 1/2 a brain knows its wrong,” said another.
Another added: “Big up Harry Connick Jr. for saying something and not just going along with it”.
But others on Twitter disagreed with Connick’s stance.
“If painting your face black is racist well then I’m the biggest racist of them all! What a waste of space,” said one.
“So Harry Connick has gone down a peg in my estimation” said another.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
A Cash For Clunkers Leak. . .
I know I have posted this CashForClunkers Video before,
that a close friend of mine who is also in the ‘Automotive Business’ from The ‘Motor City’ made of the cars that were being traded in as ‘Clunkers’ in the program.
He called me earlier today to let me in on some new information that was leaked to him from a F/I Man from another Car Dealership that the F/I Man had just mailed out 140+ letters to those that participated in this “Stimulus” program saying that they where now responsible for the $3,300+ because the Government reneged on it’s promise.
Remember that was only one dealership, so who knows how many other letters will be sent out and can someone please tell me how this is ‘Stimulating’ the economy?
‘Cash for Clunkers trade-ins piling up’
Under the program, the cars are required to be crushed or shredded within six months of the date the vehicle is transferred from the dealership.
Recyclers say the deadline, even a few months away, will be hard as they try to remove spare parts such as transmissions, front and rear axles, starters and alternators.
“True recycling is using something to its fullest potential and then recycling it over again by making it into steel and sending it out to become another engine or transmission or car,” said Jeff Cantor, an auto recycler in Candia, N.H. “We’re breaking that circle here by crushing good quality parts. We can’t process them quick enough in six months.”
Steel prices unlikely to go up in November: SAIL chief
Consumers bought nearly 700,000 new vehicles in late July and August through the program, taking advantage of rebates of up to $4,500 on new cars in return for trading in their older vehicles. Congress tripled the size of its original $1 billion price tag because of the program’s popularity.More
Friday, October 23, 2009
Illegal Alien Adult Costume
Immigrants Not Amused by ”Illegal Alien” Halloween Costume
I think that the Libtard,Pro-Immigration movement is making a bigger deal of this then it’s worth. There is enough problems going on that need to be paid more attention to then this. What and next your going to say that the country needs to pay them some sort of reparations over being here ‘Illegally’ because of this:
NEW YORK Immigrant rights activists are calling on U.S. retailers to stop selling two controversial “Illegal Alien” costumes that have surfaced for Halloween, saying the outfits are a broadside attack on illegal immigrants.
The “Illegal Alien Adult Costume,” manufactured by Forum novelties, includes an orange jumpsuit, similar to prison garb, with “Illegal Alien” stamped in black across the chest; a space alien mask; and a fake Green Card. The “Illegal Alien Mask with Hat” also includes a space alien mask, this time with a dark handlebar mustache and a baseball cap.
The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles said it began receiving e-mails from concerned legal immigrants on Friday. In response, CHIRLA wrote a letter asking several retailers, including Target, Walgreens, and, to stop offering the costume.
As of Saturday afternoon, Target had pulled the products, and some links to the costumes on other sites were no longer functional.
Target said the “Illegal Alien” costume was inadvertently uploaded to its Web site due to a data entry error.
“It is never our intent to offend the consumers with the products we offer,” a company statement said.Source
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Congo: White SA farmers to rent land for their Expertise
The Republic of Congo has signed an agreement to lease 200,000 hectares of land to South African farmers.
Congo's agriculture minister said it would bring expertise to the country and reduce its dependence on imports.
South African farmers' union Agri SA, which signed the deal, said the ANC government's land policy was forcing white farmers to seek land abroad.
The ANC is seeking to transfer some farms, overwhelmingly white-owned, to the black majority population.
Abandoned land
Under the terms of the agreement, South African farmers will lease the land in Congo for 30 years to produce food and fibre mainly for the domestic market.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Is Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty?
On October 14, Lord Christopher Monckton, a noted climate change skeptic, gave a presentation at Bethel University in St. Paul, MN. In this 4 minute excerpt from his speech, he issues a dire warning to all Americans regarding the United Nations Climate Change Treaty, scheduled to be signed in Copenhagen in December 2009. A draft of the petition can be read here:
Lord Monckton served as a policy adviser to Margaret Thatcher. He has repeatedly challenged Al Gore to a debate to which Gore has refused. Monckton sued to stop Gore's film "An Inconvenient Truth" from being shown in British schools due to its inaccuracies. The judge found in-favor of Monckton, ordering 9 serious errors in the film to be corrected. Lord Monckton travels internationally in an attempt to educating the public about the myth of global warming.
Friday, October 16, 2009
"Our Weapon Is The Truth": But Mr President ‘Why Do People Hate You?’
"Our Weapon Is The Truth": But Mr President ‘Why Do People Hate You?’|aim|dl1|link2||aim|dl1|link2|
But Mr President ‘Why Do People Hate You?’
I don’t know if I want to laugh or cry from laughter at Obama’s response. It sounds like I’m listening to a Feminine Hygiene Commercial.
I picture the mom and daughter sitting somewhere and the daughter asks ‘Mom, what do you do when you have that not so fresh feeling’
“The crowd clapped for Tyren as Obama laughed and patted Tyren on the shoulder.”
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal attended, as did Sen. Mary Landrieu, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, and Tyren Scott, a 4th-grade boy who asked the president the last question during the question and answer session of the program.
“Why do people hate you? And why, aren’t they supposed to love you, if God is love?” Tyren asked the commander-in-chief.
The crowd clapped for Tyren as Obama laughed and patted Tyren on the shoulder.
“First of all, I did get elected president, so not everybody hates me; I got a whole lot of votes,” Obama joked. “A lot of it is what’s called politics, where once one party wins, the other party feels like they’ve got to poke you a little bit to keep you on your toes. So you shouldn’t take it too seriously.” He went on. “But people are worried about their own lives. A lot of people are losing their jobs right now. They’re losing their health care or they lost their homes to foreclosure and they’re feeling frustrated, and when you’re president of the United States, you’ve got to deal with all of it. You get some of the credit when things are going good, but when things are going bad, you get some of the blame.”
“But that’s all right,” Obama said, adding, “I’m a pretty tough guy. Are you a tough guy? You look pretty tough. So you’ve just got to keep going on going, even when folks are criticizing you, when you know you’re doing it for other people.”|aim|dl1|link2|
I picture the mom and daughter sitting somewhere and the daughter asks ‘Mom, what do you do when you have that not so fresh feeling’
“The crowd clapped for Tyren as Obama laughed and patted Tyren on the shoulder.”
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal attended, as did Sen. Mary Landrieu, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, and Tyren Scott, a 4th-grade boy who asked the president the last question during the question and answer session of the program.
“Why do people hate you? And why, aren’t they supposed to love you, if God is love?” Tyren asked the commander-in-chief.
The crowd clapped for Tyren as Obama laughed and patted Tyren on the shoulder.
“First of all, I did get elected president, so not everybody hates me; I got a whole lot of votes,” Obama joked. “A lot of it is what’s called politics, where once one party wins, the other party feels like they’ve got to poke you a little bit to keep you on your toes. So you shouldn’t take it too seriously.” He went on. “But people are worried about their own lives. A lot of people are losing their jobs right now. They’re losing their health care or they lost their homes to foreclosure and they’re feeling frustrated, and when you’re president of the United States, you’ve got to deal with all of it. You get some of the credit when things are going good, but when things are going bad, you get some of the blame.”
“But that’s all right,” Obama said, adding, “I’m a pretty tough guy. Are you a tough guy? You look pretty tough. So you’ve just got to keep going on going, even when folks are criticizing you, when you know you’re doing it for other people.”|aim|dl1|link2|
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Barack Obama and State of Hawaii on the ropes

According to law, the State of Hawaii must now disclose how it came to the decision that is found in Director Fukino’s July 27th Press Release that was approved by the State’s Attorney General. Haw. Rev. Stat. 28-4 states very clearly that formal opinions of the Attorney General must be made public. Further, the Hawaiian Office of Information Practices in 1991 formally set out the requirements that informal opinions of the AG must also be made available for public inspection. According to Donofrio, under the Uniform Rules of Evidence (Rule 510): “when the conclusions of an informal Attorney General opinion are made public by the agency/client, then the accompanying record of that opinion must also be disclosed to the public:”
The State of Hawaii declared that Obama was a Natural Born Citizen and that this disclosure was approved by the Attorney General of the State. The State of Hawaii must now release any and all communications and documentation that led it to making this determination. Because Janice Okubo on July 29th revealed that the decision was approved by the State’s Attorney General, and the state made its Natural Born Citizen statement, the state is now required by law to disclose how it reached that conclusion. As Donofrio explains, there can be no secret law. The State of Hawaii cannot simply make a statement with legal weight, and then when asked to provide how it reached that decision, simply say: ‘You just have to trust us on that’. They must release any and all information that led them to make their public declarations.
On October 5th, Donofrio wrote to the office of the Attorney General, contacting Jill Nagamine: Read More
The State of Hawaii declared that Obama was a Natural Born Citizen and that this disclosure was approved by the Attorney General of the State. The State of Hawaii must now release any and all communications and documentation that led it to making this determination. Because Janice Okubo on July 29th revealed that the decision was approved by the State’s Attorney General, and the state made its Natural Born Citizen statement, the state is now required by law to disclose how it reached that conclusion. As Donofrio explains, there can be no secret law. The State of Hawaii cannot simply make a statement with legal weight, and then when asked to provide how it reached that decision, simply say: ‘You just have to trust us on that’. They must release any and all information that led them to make their public declarations.
On October 5th, Donofrio wrote to the office of the Attorney General, contacting Jill Nagamine: Read More
Obama's Achilles heel - Natural Born Citizenship

What is a Natural Born Citizen?
For well over a year now, we have been hearing this question in regards to Barack Obama. It’s a good question, and one that is relevant only when discussing the President, Vice President, and anyone else who may assume the Presidency in the line of succession. This the only time that such a distinction matters.It will help in this very important discussion to understand the differing types of Citizenship that the United States recognizes and what defines them.
A Naturalized Citizen is one who has applied for and has qualified for American Citizenship. Someone applying for and being granted US Citizenship must meet the following qualifications according to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website.
To be eligible for Naturalization one must:
For well over a year now, we have been hearing this question in regards to Barack Obama. It’s a good question, and one that is relevant only when discussing the President, Vice President, and anyone else who may assume the Presidency in the line of succession. This the only time that such a distinction matters.It will help in this very important discussion to understand the differing types of Citizenship that the United States recognizes and what defines them.
A Naturalized Citizen is one who has applied for and has qualified for American Citizenship. Someone applying for and being granted US Citizenship must meet the following qualifications according to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website.
To be eligible for Naturalization one must:
• Be at least 18 years old at the time of filing the Application for Naturalization, Form N-400
• Have been lawfully admitted to the United States
• Have resided as a permanent resident in the United States for at least 5 years or 3 years if you meet all eligibility requirements to file as a spouse of a U.S. citizen
• Have demonstrated continuous permanent residence
• Have demonstrated physical presence• Have lived for 3 months in the USCIS district or state where the Application for Naturalization, Form N-400 is filed
• Demonstrate good moral character• Show an attachment to the U.S. Constitution
• Be able to read, write, speak, and understand basic English• Demonstrate a knowledge of U.S. civics (history and government)
• Take the oath of allegiance to the United States
The next type of citizen is that of a standard citizen. The USICS website describes a citizen thusly:
“A citizen of the United States is a native-born, foreign-born, or naturalized person who owes allegiance to the United States and who is entitled to its protection. In addition to the naturalization process, the United States recognizes the U.S. citizenship of individuals according to two fundamental principles: jus soli, or right of birthplace, and jus sanguinis, or right of blood (deriving citizenship through parent’s citizenship). Whether someone born outside the U.S. to a U.S. citizen parent is a U.S. citizen depends on the law in effect when the person was born. These laws have changed over the years, but usually require a combination of at least one parent being a U.S. citizen when the child was born and having lived in the U.S. or its possessions for a period of time” More Here
“A citizen of the United States is a native-born, foreign-born, or naturalized person who owes allegiance to the United States and who is entitled to its protection. In addition to the naturalization process, the United States recognizes the U.S. citizenship of individuals according to two fundamental principles: jus soli, or right of birthplace, and jus sanguinis, or right of blood (deriving citizenship through parent’s citizenship). Whether someone born outside the U.S. to a U.S. citizen parent is a U.S. citizen depends on the law in effect when the person was born. These laws have changed over the years, but usually require a combination of at least one parent being a U.S. citizen when the child was born and having lived in the U.S. or its possessions for a period of time” More Here
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
What do you mean you need my status? I'm insulted

I'd love to thank Republican Sens. David Vitter of Louisiana and Bob Bennett of Utah, for asking this, I only hope more will follow their leads.
I find this to be very disturbing. Here is the Government once again bowing down to appease 'Illegal Immigrants' because some alphabet group and or church group is crying, threatening with you won't get our votes and to top it off guess what you just earned your self the title 'RACIST'. Call me Racist because there is nothing at all wrong with asking a question and being proud and standing with your race. They(Mexicans,Africans, and every other group) do it all the time.
I think there is nothing at all wrong with asking ones legal status. Why are we rewarding Illegals once again,with another privilege. What getting subsidies galore isn't good enough, and taking our jobs the Government claims no one wants. It's now insulting to ask someones 'Status' because they fear being here illegally. . . I think it's not only the right of the Government to know the correct status of residents but also the Tax Paying, Citizens of the U.S. who are supporting many of said 'Illegals' through the US Government welfare, Social Security Income (these folks have never paid into it like many Americans who get it undeservedly. I also propose a voter recount also because how many Non-Citizens Voted? I'm not talking 'Non-Citizen' Residents only that think they have the right to vote and decide how the Government can spend our taxes while they benefit. (beautifulnightmare)
Since the first Census in 1790, the bureau has routinely asked in various surveys whether people are native-born or foreign-born, but it has never asked about legal status.
Immigrants often are the hardest to count because many mistrust government, especially if they are in the U.S. illegally. Crackdowns on illegal immigration at the border and at work sites have made outreach for next year's Census even more challenging.
Some Latino groups such as the National Coalition of Latino Clergy and Christian Leaders are calling for immigrants to boycott the Census unless laws are changed to give those here illegally a chance to gain legal status.
"Already the public fears that the Census is too intrusive," says Arturo Vargas, executive director of the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, which opposes both the amendment and the boycott.
The "Take 10" campaign promotes the idea that the Census form has only 10 questions and should take just 10 minutes to answer. Adding questions would require designing new forms. "It's operationally impossible," says Steve Jost, Census associate communications director. "The forms are printed, folded. We have bilingual forms. ... We're printing 1.5 million forms a day."
By law, the Census is taken April 1. State population counts must be submitted to the president the following Dec. 31 so that seats in the House can be apportioned.
Proposed last week by Republican Sens. David Vitter of Louisiana and Bob Bennett of Utah, the amendment would exclude illegal immigrants from the population count used to allocate congressional seats after the 2010 Census. It also would require the Census to ask people whether they are citizens.
"Illegal aliens should not be included for the purposes of determining representation in Congress, and that's the bottom line here," Vitter says. If enacted, the amendment to an appropriations bill would stop funding of the 2010 Census unless the changes are made.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Schwarzenegger signs bill limiting ammunition sales.
Bowing to pressure from Mexico and the anti-gun lobby, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger last night signed Assembly Bill 962 restricting ammunition sales. Beginning February 1, 2011 retailers will be required to place all ammo behind counters and create a registry of handgun ammunition buyers by obtaining their fingerprint and recording their drivers license numbers.
In a letter to the State Assembly the Governor stated: “Utilized properly, this type of information is invaluable for keeping communities safe and preventing dangerous felons from committing crimes with firearms. Assembly Bill 962 reasonably regulates access to ammunition and improves public safety without placing undue burdens on consumers. For these reasons, I am pleased to sign this bill.”
The legislation also requires face to face transfers of ammunition which will eliminate any mail order or Internet purchases of ammunition by State residents. Retailers like Cabella’s reportedly aren't waiting for the bill to take effect and will stop shipping to CA soon.
This bill will exacerbate an already tight market in CA for ammunition and unfairly burden law abiding citizens with more hurdles to jump over to exercise their Second Amendment Rights. Schwarzenegger has been no friend to gun owners in the Golden State. Though he did veto legislation banning gun shows from public property he has in the past signed bills restricting the purchase of certain types of guns and requiring microstamping for handguns.
“As Governor, I have sought the appropriate balance between public safety and the right to keep and bear arms. I have also vetoed many pieces of legislation that sought to place unreasonable restrictions and burdens on firearms dealers and ammunition vendors.” he said.
In a letter to the State Assembly the Governor stated: “Utilized properly, this type of information is invaluable for keeping communities safe and preventing dangerous felons from committing crimes with firearms. Assembly Bill 962 reasonably regulates access to ammunition and improves public safety without placing undue burdens on consumers. For these reasons, I am pleased to sign this bill.”
The legislation also requires face to face transfers of ammunition which will eliminate any mail order or Internet purchases of ammunition by State residents. Retailers like Cabella’s reportedly aren't waiting for the bill to take effect and will stop shipping to CA soon.
This bill will exacerbate an already tight market in CA for ammunition and unfairly burden law abiding citizens with more hurdles to jump over to exercise their Second Amendment Rights. Schwarzenegger has been no friend to gun owners in the Golden State. Though he did veto legislation banning gun shows from public property he has in the past signed bills restricting the purchase of certain types of guns and requiring microstamping for handguns.
“As Governor, I have sought the appropriate balance between public safety and the right to keep and bear arms. I have also vetoed many pieces of legislation that sought to place unreasonable restrictions and burdens on firearms dealers and ammunition vendors.” he said.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Gulf Arabs In Secret Talks With Russia And China To Ditch US Dollar According To British Media
*Source: DTN News / Int'l Media
(NSI News Source Info) LONDON, UK - October 12, 2009: Britain's The Independent newspaper says Gulf Arab states are in secret talks with Russia, China, Japan and France to replace the US dollar with a basket of currencies in the trading of oil.
The US dollar eased after the report, written by veteran Middle East correspondent Robert Fisk and posted on The Independent's website. It cited unidentified sources in Gulf Arab states and Chinese banking sources in Hong Kong.
Fisk said the proposal was for trade in crude oil to move to a basket of currencies including the Japanese yen and Chinese yuan, the euro, gold and a new, unified currency planned for nations in the Gulf Co-operation Council, including Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and Qatar.
"Secret meetings have already been held by finance ministers and central bank governors in Russia, China, Japan and Brazil to work on the scheme, which will mean that oil will no longer be priced in dollars," said the report. It added that France had also been involved in the talks.
The article said the plans may help to explain the sudden rise in the price of gold, which is commonly seen as a safe haven in troubled economic times.
The Independent said US authorities were aware that the meetings had taken place but had not discovered the details and were "sure to fight this international cabal".
The issue of shifting oil trade away from the US dollar has been raised occasionally in recent years, but analysts and experts say it is unlikely to occur any time soon.
"I don't think we will see much concrete actions coming out of such discussions because even when the dollar is weak, it doesn't mean that commodities are undervalued," said David Moore, commodities analyst at the Commonwealth Bank.
"In fact, when the dollar weakens, commodities prices tend to increase by a higher ratio."
Iran began settling most of its crude oil exports in non-dollar currencies - primarily the euro - several years ago, but the actual price for its oil is still set in dollar terms.
(NSI News Source Info) LONDON, UK - October 12, 2009: Britain's The Independent newspaper says Gulf Arab states are in secret talks with Russia, China, Japan and France to replace the US dollar with a basket of currencies in the trading of oil.
The US dollar eased after the report, written by veteran Middle East correspondent Robert Fisk and posted on The Independent's website. It cited unidentified sources in Gulf Arab states and Chinese banking sources in Hong Kong.
Fisk said the proposal was for trade in crude oil to move to a basket of currencies including the Japanese yen and Chinese yuan, the euro, gold and a new, unified currency planned for nations in the Gulf Co-operation Council, including Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and Qatar.
"Secret meetings have already been held by finance ministers and central bank governors in Russia, China, Japan and Brazil to work on the scheme, which will mean that oil will no longer be priced in dollars," said the report. It added that France had also been involved in the talks.
The article said the plans may help to explain the sudden rise in the price of gold, which is commonly seen as a safe haven in troubled economic times.
The Independent said US authorities were aware that the meetings had taken place but had not discovered the details and were "sure to fight this international cabal".
The issue of shifting oil trade away from the US dollar has been raised occasionally in recent years, but analysts and experts say it is unlikely to occur any time soon.
"I don't think we will see much concrete actions coming out of such discussions because even when the dollar is weak, it doesn't mean that commodities are undervalued," said David Moore, commodities analyst at the Commonwealth Bank.
"In fact, when the dollar weakens, commodities prices tend to increase by a higher ratio."
Iran began settling most of its crude oil exports in non-dollar currencies - primarily the euro - several years ago, but the actual price for its oil is still set in dollar terms.
Gun Control by Nordic Thunder
So what has happened to all your rights
Been taken away without a fight
Speak your mind youre locked away
An American citizen without a say
Theyve stolen your guns but you don�t care
You think democracy is just and fair
Youll find out its all al lie
When the government comes and sucks you dry
Fear the government that fears your guns
When youre unarmed you can only run
Preparation will decide your fate
When your rights are abolished
For the good of the state
So what has happened to the American dream
Red, white, and blue is not what it seemed
Bureaucratic shit has tied your hands
Now its illegal to defend your own land
You dont care about whats going on
In their game youre just a pawn
But youll find out its all a lie
When the government comes and sucks you dry
Gun Control-dont believe their lies
Gun Control-cause no ones safe
Gun Control-our freedom dies
When the systems laws make you a slave
When the systems laws become your grave!
Been taken away without a fight
Speak your mind youre locked away
An American citizen without a say
Theyve stolen your guns but you don�t care
You think democracy is just and fair
Youll find out its all al lie
When the government comes and sucks you dry
Fear the government that fears your guns
When youre unarmed you can only run
Preparation will decide your fate
When your rights are abolished
For the good of the state
So what has happened to the American dream
Red, white, and blue is not what it seemed
Bureaucratic shit has tied your hands
Now its illegal to defend your own land
You dont care about whats going on
In their game youre just a pawn
But youll find out its all a lie
When the government comes and sucks you dry
Gun Control-dont believe their lies
Gun Control-cause no ones safe
Gun Control-our freedom dies
When the systems laws make you a slave
When the systems laws become your grave!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Neo-Nazis, anti-racism groups face off in Mpls.
“I find it amazing how only four uniformed white men on a “mission” can hurl a city into a slobbering multicultural panic. The local headlines exclaim that only four MSN members were surrounded by hundreds of angry anti-racist. Sadly, I did not see one article written in their (NSM) favor, not that I really expected to find such. Notice the sign being held by one member of the NSM, “Help the White Race”. It’s incredible that such a simple sign should provoke the ravenous hatred that was generated by the hundreds of local militant multiculturalists. How dare the white people write such a sign!
Let’s put the combat boot on the other foot for a second, just how many of those “We are the world” type miscreants would stand their ground like the four NSM members, if the numbers were completely reversed.
The local papers would read “Hundreds of evil NSM Storm Troopers attack Minneapolis and terrorize four innocent multiculturistic protesters, Obama swears to investigate”!
What those four dedicated NSM members displayed if nothing else, is the bravery, dedication and fortitude that made the white race the world leader. Let’s hope we can keep it that way!”
by Jessica Mador, Minnesota Public Radio
October 3, 2009
Minneapolis — About two hundred people gathered outside the YWCA in South Minneapolis early Saturday to protest the appearance of a neo-Nazi group.
Four members of the Twin Cities unit of a Detriot-based group called the National Socialist Movement came to protest an anti-racist workshop taking place inside the community center. In response, anti-racism community groups organized a counter-demonstration. No injuries or arrests were reported.
Dan Gannon helped organize the rally against the neo-Nazis. He says South Minneapolis residents held their ground against the white supremacists.
“We were on one side of the street chanting ‘no Nazis, no KKK, no racists, USA, you are not welcome here’ and they were on the other side with the police in between,” he said. “They were decked head to toe in black pants, black shirts and they had patches on their jackets that were neo-Nazi swastika patches.” Click link for source
Ode To Hammer Joe 10/01/72-10/01/1994
Here’s the text of “Ode to Hammer Joe” dedicated to Joe Rowan, late vocalist of Nordic Thunder who was shot & killed on October 1st, 1994 …his 22nd birthday. (Initially published in Blood and Honor, North American edition # 9 NOV/DEC 1994/105)
Ode to “Hammer” Joe
by Eric Davidson
From North America a man’s voice arose,
above all the **** and the clamor…
reinforced by the gods of ancient prose,
arrived Nordic Thunder’s Hammer.
A link in the legendary Tri-State Terror,
he sang many a battle hymn….
and united with youth who’d been adapt,
at risking both life and limb.
On Resistance night, amidst smoke and light,
with No Remorse leading the throng…
an oath to Ian, with guitars a reelin’,
who knew it would be the Hammer’s last song?
The hall was soon cleared of the Skins and beer,
there were several parties after the show…
while some were enroute, a skirmish broke out,
and red was the blood that did flow.
Expressions of rage could fill this page,
over the loss of our comrade’s life…
a suspect was freed by the powers that be,
“Hammer” Joe had two kids and a wife.
Incantations are what’s required now,
let’s summon the gods of war.
Unleash the werewolves that thirst for blood,
for the Hammer let’s even the score.
Our mission’s agenda is Fourteen Words,
our success will be judged only when…
together we’ve forged a future that’s brighter,
for our children and our race once again.
For all eternity and forever more,
as long as our race shall live…
let’s never forget the deeds of the Hammer,
when the chances for success were slim.
As kindred spirits now join the ranks,
our scene which is obviously growin’…
we’ll raise our arms and give our thanks,
to the gods who gave us Joe Rowan.
Remember “Hammer” Joe Rowan
October 1, 1972 – October 1, 1994/105
Hero of the White Race!
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