Friday, August 30, 2013

MLK Anniversary Speaker Compares Supreme Court Justices to KKK

On the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech in Washington on Wednesday, the president of a prominent organization dedicated to increasing black civic participation compared conservative Supreme Court justices to KKK members and said Voter ID laws are being enacted to prevent another black president. Link to the whole story and video below:
White people should take note of the speech this she-boon is delivering because she is making it quite clear that equality is not want they want, they want total control of the Nation and all the white citizens within. Her kind will not stop until they destroy our Constitution and install a new form of Communist rule that was envisioned by MLK.  The blacks are against voter ID laws because of all the voter fraud that takes place with blacks voting multiple times or Illegal immigrants that vote illegally. One of the leaders of the NAACP was recently sentenced to 5 years for voter fraud (voting more than once), understand now why it is so important to them? White people need to wake up to their agenda.

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