Friday, August 30, 2013

Canadian Jews falsely object to the truth being displayed ..

A free speech  ad campaign on Vancouver’s transit system showing the territory of Palestine shrinking into the state of Israel will run in other Canadian cities this fall, has  the Canadian Jews falsely up in arms.. of course they can play their Racists, or Slander approach against it..  the images, which went up in Vancouver  show the steady occupation of Palestinian territory by Israel. “We wanted to draw attention to and shed light on the ongoing human rights violations … against Palestinians,” they are what  Anti-Israel  or  pro-Palestine ads depends on your bias?? The ads were purchased by a coalition of pro-Palestinian activists from groups including the Canada-Palestine Support Network, Boycott Israeli Apartheid Campaign, Seriously Free Speech, Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights and Canadian Friends of Sabeel, among others. -  TransLink’s advertising policy cannot violate freedom of expression under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Freedom of expression is a protected right under the Charter.” -  The ads simply show “statements of fact” and the Jewish groups are falsely objecting to the truth being posted for all to see,,. “Those who did the ads did not violate any political standards that would be common and acceptable to Canadians … They remain within the confines of the law concerning political expression and advertisements, and to say that they are against the Jewish people I think, personally, is with no grounds and I find it rather obnoxious,” Hani Faris, a political science professor at U of BC.  I too do understand no one likes to have their unrepented  sins shouted from the Housetops, the Jews especially it seems, so what? they  too do need to repent, stop their wrong doings rather. One cannot overlook Israel ‘s immoral acts because they were once chosen of God in the past. But now they have been rejected of God the last 2000 years too
“The Canadian government has been such a strong voice in support of Israel … so we think it’s particularly important that people in Vancouver and other Canadian cities learn about what’s happening in Palestine now and what’s happened there historically.” Charlotte Kates, a spokeswoman for seven Vancouver-based groups calling themselves the Palestine Awareness Coalition.
Jewish groups have falsely declared strong opposition to the ads, which are displayed at a wall mural in a Vancouver SkyTrain station as well as on 15 buses, and have tried to have TransLink, a government agency, remove them.  “It is our assessment that these advertisements distort history, are malicious and essentially question the legitimacy of Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state,” the Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver (JFGV) and the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA), Pacific region,  ” Now that is crap..  anyone can still question the legitimacy of Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state
And as to “it would be to be very derogatory of Israel and it’s supporters.”“In this day and age, where such supporters could be the target of hate, of violence or other acts of mischief,”  “  the ads a provocative attack on Jewish people that will incite hatred. ” “ in reality that is crap too as even Israel  still reaps what they have sowed.. they need to return the land rather… Jews  included now..
The all-powerful “anti-Semitism” card has again been played with the force of a blunt object; a false attempt to suppress the truth and free speech..; It seems that anything anti Jewish is falsely distorted as being anti-Semitism again. And so is the New Testament, Christians, the apostles, and Jesus Christ now as well..  the spin doctors in Israel,  the Jewish supporters are hard at work justifying all of their actions, the good and the bad ones. Some they even falsely manage  to paint supporters of Israel as moderates and all others as being anti-Semites, and many Jews  still are often are deflecting attention away from Israeli injustices against the Palestinians    but still the Criticism of Israel is not an anti-Semitic act;; 
Israel oppresses the West Bank with more might and fervor than any Palestinian group has the power to counter, and criticism of this behaviour, which would be seen as contravention of international law anywhere else in the world, and someone bringing this up publicly is seen as an “attack” on the poor Israelis? Although the term anti-Semitism has wide currency, it is regarded  as a misnomer, falsely now  implying discrimination against all Semites, including all Arabs and other peoples, who now firstly are not the clear targets of anti-Semitism today as it is usually the fact. It is not the past Jewish culture being attacked now too, but rather their presently specific now bad  personal acts, poor values associated with Israel, especially when they the Jews too often and  falsely, undeniably too now, the chosen ones,   tend to think they are now really superior to all other nations too and they can do what they want, for they can do no wrong. Rather this is not so in reality, they the Jews too can be held accountable for their too often now bad acts as well… even against the Palestinians.
Anti-Semitic? YOU GOT TO BE NUTS TO SAY THIS…  More from source

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