Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Whats with the Homeless Holocaust Survivors, and their 'modest financial compensation', Every single Jewish Holocaust Survivor should be multi killzionairs by now! Just saying~

What makes just the Jewish so special and Why is so much money given to Just the JEWISH? Are any of the other survivor groups showered with money this way?  Why does it cost so much more money for the care of an elderly Jewish Holocaust Survivor, then anyone elses Non-Jewish Grandma or Grandpa?

Legit question is all I'm saying.  You do the math, and I'm only listing a little please forgive the mess!  I'm going to start this post with the latest headlines from Germany.  ~

Germany to Pay 772 Million Euros in Reparations to Holocaust Survivors 

German government has committed to pay nearly 800 million euros for the care of elderly Holocaust survivors as a result of negotiations in Israel between Berlin and a fund for Jewish victims of Nazi aggression. Nearly 60,000 people will benefit from the aid money.

'Open' Ghetto Survivors Now EligibleThe agreement also includes a notable shift regarding compensation for survivors of Nazi ghettos. Until now, regulations governing Claims Conference pension programs for ghetto survivors stipulated that only those who were in "closed" ghettos -- in other words, those surrounded by a wall -- were eligible for funds. Yet many ghettos, such as those in Czernowitz, Romania, and many throughout Bulgaria, were not walled in even though they were in many ways similar to closed ghettos. Jews lived under curfew, were deprived of jobs, were subject to persecution, were forced to wear yellow stars and lived in constant fear of deportation.  'Is this what Western Nations have to look forward to with all the Migrant, Illegal Border Jumpers, if and when they are deported?'
At the negotiations between German Finance Ministry and Claims Conference representatives, it was decided that two pension programs should be expanded to include Jews who lived in open ghettos under such conditions. The decision, which required the German government to commit an extra €7 million to €11 million, should bring compensation to an additional 2,000 to 3,000 survivors.

A Guide to Claims Conference Programs Worldwide

Holocaust Reparations: The Back Story

By Michael Pinto-Duschinsky • Monday, August 13, 2012

On July 10th, dignitaries from the U.S., German, and Israeli governments attended a curious ceremony at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington.  The gathering marked the 60th anniversary of the first agreement by the West German government with the Israeli government and the Jewish "Claims Conference" 
to grant modest financial compensation for the 

Some of the Jews in the room had spent the years since the agreement in seemingly interminable haggling. 
The event had the character of a celebration and an exercise in self-congratulation.  Ambassador Stuart Eizenstat, a prominent Jewish corporate lawyer who currently holds the offices of Special Advisor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Holocaust Issues and Special Negotiator for the Jewish Claims Conference, was in top form.  In the 1990s, as a sub-cabinet official in Bill Clinton's administration, Eizenstat headed the talks between class action lawyers for Holocaust survivors and German corporations that were accused of using slave labor during the Second World War.  Bodies such as the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, the "Claims Conference," and the German government also participated.  Eizenstat subsequently wrote a self-praising volume about his role and went on to receive the "Great Negotiator" award from his alma mater, Harvard Law School.

Haifa's Helping Hand: Retirement Home Supports Impoverished Holocaust Survivors

By Jessica Donath in Haifa, Israel
Many Holocaust survivors living in Israel spend what should be their golden years in a state of poverty. A retirement home in Haifa that opened in 2010 is lending a helping hand to one of the country's neediest groups. The project is being largely funded by Christians, with the assistance of volunteers from Germany.

Reparations: the price of genocide

Hungary Releases Promised $5.6 Million to Claims Conference for Holocaust Survivor Aid Worldwide

The Claims Conference is pleased to announce that the government of Hungary, after protracted and difficult talks over the course of several years, has agreed to release $5.6 million in previously committed funds for social welfare services for needy Holocaust survivors of Hungarian origin living outside of Hungary.

$40M in Holocaust Reparations Stolen in Massive Scam

Millions of dollars meant to help survivors of the Jewish Holocaust instead were stolen and fraudulently given to thousands of people who were not eligible for the funds, Justice Department officials said.
The FBI said insiders who were responsible for verifying requests to the Conference On Jewish Material Claims instead helped commit a massive fraud.  Investigators said in exchange for kickbacks, the employees signed off on bogus applications submitted in part by Russian immigrants who falsely claimed they had lost their homes and belongings during the Nazi era.  Seventeen people have been charged in the outrageous swindle.

By Mark Weber
The passions and propaganda of wartime normally diminish with the passage of time. A striking exception is the Holocaust campaign, which seems to grow more pervasive and intense as the years go by. Certainly the most lucrative expression of this seemingly endless campaign has been West Germany's massive and historically unparalleled reparations payoff to Israel and world Jewry for the alleged collective sins of the German people during the Hitler era. Between 1953 and 1992, the Federal Republic of (West) Germany paid out more than $35 billion in reparations to the Zionist state and to millions of individual "victims of National Socialism."
How did this remarkable program get started? How lucrative has it been? What does it suggest about the "six million" figure? And what are its social and political implications?

Bowing to pressure

In September 1945, shortly after the end of the Second World War, Jewish leader Chaim Weizmann submitted a memorandum on behalf of the Zionist Jewish Agency to the governments of the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain and France "demanding" (in the words of the Encydopaedia Judaica) "reparations, restitution and indemnification due to the Jewish people from Germany" The western Allies lost no time in responding favorably to Weizmann's demands. /1 The American government was particularly eager to have the Germans pay up. /2 As a result, the German government set up by the western Allies at Bonn in 1949 never had any real choice but to acknowledge the alleged collective guilt of the German people during the Hitler era and pay what was demanded.

SHAKEDOWN: Negotiators from the Claims Conference (L) met with German government officials in New York in July to discuss compensation to alleged Jewish Holocaust survivors currently living in the former Soviet Union.

Swindler’s List: A Brief Look at the Holocaust Reparations Racket

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Let's see Scabies; been here forever much like Lice; TB gone but brought back mainly by Somalians and MSM is just now making a stink. . . .

Stink Bug
Stink Bug Bite

How to Identify the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

Scabies has been in this country forever while treatable much like Lice and they are freaking out bc of this why is it headlines, worry about bedbugs, TB and all the other dieases that are becoming antibiotic resistant; speaking of a friend of mines' elementary school daughter got lice from school, the problem was treated but the little girl kept bringing it home, when my friend asked her doctor about it when they went to see him, the doctor said that it was SUPER LICE .  or is this another form of population control of some sort,and it's not ours they are worried about and it's not just coming from south of the border. . . Refugees from over seas not theirs ours? Just sayin~

The Insecticide Resistant Louse 

Source: Wikipedia; Modifications: Jason Tetro

What Ohio Thinks of US Immigrants  <<>>

Being from the State of Ohio and seeing this article and what it says is crazy. Apparently ‘Timberlake and Rhys surveyed more than 2,100 Ohioans about their attitudes toward four groups: Europeans, Asians, Middle Easterners and Latinos, specifically’ they didn’t interview the right 2,100 Ohioans that live in Cities where Immigrants are destroying cities(job losses, property values, education, health, crime,drugs, gangs ) or interview about the correct demographics of said Immigrants, Illegals, Refugees.

Immigrants from the 1800's came here legally on ships, needed a sponsor, a Job. If they had disease or illness they were forbidden from entering and turned away, but today they have it ass backwards, allowing refugees, illegals and immigrants into the country to live on the Americans tax dollar(housing, transportation, tax free living for 5-7 years food stamps, other subsidies and SSI(social security income) and they have never paid into it, carrying known infectious diseases such as TB,polio, aids etc. Before they had those that had TB including citizens in TB Hospitals under quarantine, now they are free to roam the streets and pass along this communicable disease.(check out your state/county health department sites) shera crossan

The Statue of Liberty may not be choosy about the wretched refuse she allows in the door, but Americans haven’t always been so hospitable. Immigrants from Ireland landed in the U.S. in the 1850s only to find shop windows festooned with signs reading “No Irish Need Apply.” The Chinese toiled to build our transcontinental railroad in the 1860s only to see the infamous Chinese Exclusion Act signed in 1882, suspending further immigration.

The research, conducted by Jeffrey Timberlake of the University of Cincinnati and Rhys Williams of Loyola University Chicago, was presented this week at the annual convention of the American Sociological Association, in San Francisco. In order to take America’s temperature on the often overheated topic of immigrants, the researchers went to an unlikely place: Ohio.

For all its purple-state, heartland rep, large portions of Ohio are still very monochrome - which is to say white - and mostly untouched by on-the-ground experience with people not born in the U.S. Local opinions about immigrants would thus presumably be shaped mostly by what people read or see on TV, combined with a general sense of America’s shared melting-pot history. “This makes Ohio ideal for understanding public attitudes … largely unaffected by actual immigrant levels,” the researchers wrote.More

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Israel: Polio spreads, along with several other countries that the USA and other Western nations are taking. I wonder if it will work out the same as TB being reintroduced?

Refugee population by country or territory of asylum
Refugees are people who are recognized as refugees under the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees or its 1967 Protocol, the 1969 Organization of African Unity Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa, people recognized as refugees in accordance with the UNHCR statute, people granted refugee-like humanitarian status, and people provided temporary protection. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

From October 14, 1940: 8-foot Wall Holds 500,000 in Ghetto, U.S. Reporter Finds on Visit to Warsaw vs Population of NYC

Confirmation of reports that the Germans had constructed a concrete wall, eight feet high, around the central ghetto district in Warsaw and that typhus had broken out in this enclosed area was contained in a Warsaw dispatch today from Alvin J. Steinkopf, Associated Press correspondent.
Steinkopf, who is attached to the Associated Press’ Berlin bureau, was the first and only non-German correspondent permitted to make an exhaustive inspection of the Government-General area of Poland. The correspondent toured the zone for a week accompanied by Dr. Jost Wallbaum, director of Health in the Government-General and Dr. Hans Klaevcke of the German Medical Chamber.
The ghetto wall surrounds 100 or more city blocks and is “so tight a cat couldn’t get through it,” Steinkopf said. Eighteen streets leading into the ghetto are unobstructed but at a moment’s notice the Germans can put policemen at these entry points and effectively bottle up the 500,000 Jews and Poles residing in the area.
The Germans claimed the wall was not built as an anti-Semitic move but simply as a “desperate” health measure to prevent the spread of typhus, Steinkopf said. According to the German authorities several months ago 30,000 persons became infested with thphusspreading lice and were kept isolated in the ghetto area until gas could be brought from Germany to fumigate their homes. There are now 58 cases of typhus in Warsaw, Steinkopf said.  The correspondent reported the city was still a scene of devastation as a result of the terrific Nazi air and artillery bombardments during the Polish campaign.

How Many Blocks in a Mile?

Date: 11/24/2005 at 17:34:44
From: Diane
Subject: how many blocks in a mile

How many city blocks are there in a mile?  Some of my classmates are
saying 12 but I say 10.

  • Bronx County, New York – Population, 2010: 1,385,108
  • Kings County, New York -  Population, 2010: 2,504,700
  • New York County, New York – Population, 2010: 1,585,873
  • Queens County, New York – Population, 2010: 2,230,722
  • Richmond County, New York – Population, 2010: 468,730
How many blocks blocks do you have to walk in Manhattan for it to equate to 1 mile?

Monday, July 7, 2014

This is in NO MEANS in DEFENSE of OBAMA or anyone else, but have you all forgot this?

I am writing and putting together this post not as a means of defending or supporting Obama, or anyone else but come on people; well many readers who are old enough to remember or those that pay close attention and have a good memory and care!  Not strictly listening to one party or the next, news source or radio personality or even your buddy that shared a link.

 The various links  i'm adding to this just brings up topics for people to look into and learn something you didn't know before, perhaps?   Thats the way I try to look at everything as a learning experience!   While this post might appear sloppy and at times not well thought out or put together, which it isn't  but it's an outlet of dealing with WAKE UP IT's BEEN GOING ON FOR A LONG TIME, both parties are to blame, and they normally to always have Oil in there someplace.  Thank You for reading!

First off I want to say that I am horrified and disgusted by what is taking place in the United States, I truley love my country but hate seeing it go in the direction it's going and has been going for quite some time now and hated all those moments too; but look on the bright side they created something like 220,000 new jobs across the USA - vs -  how many unemployed or underemployed?!  Just saying (that makes me sick)

Alright NAFTA, FFTA, CAFTA,  Fracking/Oil, and all that stuff, throw in Illegal Immigration thing that has gotten beyond out of hand first off, and has been going on for quiet sometime now.

People should be protesting the UN, Churches, other groups including past political figures! Those who act as a sponser for many of these refugees, immigrants etc that come into this country first off legaly they need to be told that they can take in and support said person, people on their own dimes not on the tax paying citizen, unless we get all the tax free entitlements & perks too.

Jimmy Carter
Undocumented Aliens Message to the Congress.
August 4, 1977

To the Congress of the United States:
I am proposing to Congress today a set of actions to help markedly reduce the increasing flow of undocumented aliens in this country and to regulate the presence of the millions of undocumented aliens already here.
These proposed actions are based on the results of a thorough Cabinet-level study and on the groundwork which has been laid, since the beginning of the decade, by Congressmen Rodino and Eilberg and Senators Eastland and Kennedy. These actions will:
• Make unlawful the hiring of undocumented aliens, with enforcement by the Justice Department against those employers who engage in a "pattern or practice" of such hiring. Penalties would be civil--injunctions and fines of $1000 per undocumented alien hired. Criminal penalties could be imposed by the courts against employers violating injunctions. Moreover, employers, and others, receiving compensation for knowingly assisting an undocumented alien obtain or retain a job would also be subject to criminal penalties.
• Increase significantly the enforcement of the Fair Labor Standards Act and the Federal Farm Labor Contractor Registration Act, targeted to areas where heavy undocumented alien hiring occur.
• Adjust the immigration status of undocumented aliens who have resided in the U.S. continuously from before January 1, 1970 to the present and who apply with the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) for permanent resident alien status; create a new immigration category of temporary resident alien for undocumented aliens who have resided in the U.S. continuously prior to January 1, 1977; make no status change and enforce the immigration law against those undocumented aliens entering the U.S. after January 1, 1977.
• Substantially increase resources available to control the Southern border, and other entry points, in order to prevent illegal immigration.
• Promote continued cooperation with the governments which are major sources of undocumented aliens, in an effort to improve their economies and their controls over alien smuggling rings.
Each of these actions will play a distinct, but closely related, role in helping to solve one of our most complex domestic problems: In the last several years, millions of undocumented aliens have illegally immigrated to the United States. They have breached our nation's immigration laws, displaced many American citizens from jobs, and placed an increased financial burden on many states and local governments.

Ronald Reagan on ImmigrationPresident of the U.S., 1981-1989; Republican Governor (CA)

Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA)Latinos are Republicans; they just don't know it yet.  1986 reform legalized 3 million undocumented immigrants
Public Law 99-603 (Act of 11/6/86), which was passed in order to control and deter illegal immigration to the United States. Its major provisions stipulate legalization of undocumented aliens who had been continuously unlawfully present since 1982, legalization of certain agricultural workers, sanctions for employers who knowingly hire undocumented workers, and increased enforcement at U.S. borders.

OK, Like how everyone wants to blame Bill Clinton for NAFTA, guess again.

Reagan's North American Accord

By March 12, 2014
 This year marks the 20th anniversary of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) coming into force. It was Ronald Reagan, ever the visionary, who sketched the outlines of NAFTA in 1979.  The idea of a free-trade zone stretching from the Aleutian Islands to the Yucatan Peninsula was so important to Reagan that he made it a central feature of the speech announcing his presidential candidacy. Noting how “We live on a continent whose three countries possess the assets to make it the strongest, most prosperous and self-sufficient area on earth,” Reagan proposed what he called “a North American accord” to allow the “peoples and commerce” of the United States, Mexico and Canada to “flow more freely across their present borders.” 

Before scoffing at this, consider that tens of billions of barrels of crude have been discovered in the U.S. and Canadian Arctic, in North Dakota and Montana, and in the Gulf of Mexico; that oil-shale deposits in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming “contain up to 3 trillion barrels of oil, half of which may be recoverable,” according to GAO studies; that Utah holds between 12 billion and 19 billion barrels in the form of oil-sands deposits; that Alberta holds 170.2 billion barrels of oil, most of it in the form of oil-sands; that Mexico holds some 87 billion barrels of crude; or that Mexico’s recent decision to open up its state-dominated energy sector to private investment is expected to double annual oil outputs.

When Poppy Bush arrived in Washington after the 1966 elections, he was immediately positioned to help large moneyed interests, and by so doing improve his own political fortunes. His father, still influential, had twisted arms to get him a coveted seat on the House Ways and Means Committee, which writes all tax legislation. The committee was the gatekeeper against attempts to eliminate the oil depletion allowance, and Bush’s assignment there was no small feat. No freshman of either party had gotten on since 1904. But former senator Prescott Bush had personally called the committee chairman. Then he got GOP minority leader Gerald Ford—a Warren Commission member and later vice president and president—to make the request himself. - See more at: 

Biography: 41. George H. W. Bush  or Papa Bush as I like to call him!


Born: June 12, 1924 in Milton, Massachusetts... Prior to winning the presidency, George Bush served as a U.S. congressman, ambassador to the United Nations, chairman of the Republican National Committee, chief of the U.S. Liaison Office to China, director of the C.I.A, and vice president under Ronald Reagan. Bush inherited some of the public goodwill felt for the Reagan administration -- and much of the growing skepticism. As the economy faltered and a recession set in, the supply-side economic policies of the 1980s were questioned and Bush was forced to break his promise of "no new taxes." Further damaging his chances for reelection was the impression that he was more concerned with world affairs than the problems vexing Main Street, USA.
Bush faced a dramatically changing world, as the Cold War ended after 40 bitter years, the Communist empire broke up, and the Berlin Wall fell. The Soviet Union ceased to exist; and reformist President Mikhail Gorbachev, whom Bush had supported, resigned. While Bush hailed the march of democracy, he insisted on restraint in U. S. policy toward the group of new nations.
In other areas of foreign policy, President Bush sent American troops into Panama to overthrow the corrupt regime of General Manuel Noriega, who was threatening the security of the canal and the Americans living there. Noriega was brought to the United States for trial as a drug trafficker.
Bush's greatest test came when Iraqi President Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, then threatened to move into Saudi Arabia. Vowing to free Kuwait, Bush rallied the United Nations, the U. S. people, and Congress and sent 425,000 American troops. They were joined by 118,000 troops from allied nations. After weeks of air and missile bombardment, the 100-hour land battle dubbed Desert Storm routed Iraq's million-man army. MORE

Alright I know other presidents have there hands in the whole illegal immigration story, but this is what I'm leaving you with and something to think about I guess other then one party, or one president!  jlh~

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

MAKES ME SICK, and once again makes me say WTF. . . JEWS crying about the way they were treated in germany during WWII? just sayin

In Pictures: Israel breaks up migrant camp
Israeli police re-arrest 1,000 African asylum seekers who were protesting their indefinite detention.

Hitler, Nazi Germany, and Native Americans

Israel-Egypt border - Israeli police have raided a protest camp near the Israeli-Egyptian border, arresting the 1,000 African asylum seekers protesting there, and injuring dozens.
A group of asylum seekers, mainly from Eritrea and Sudan, left Israel's Holot detention centre on Friday in a mass act of civil disobedience. Opened six months ago, the detention facility is referred to by the government as an "open prison". Detainees are forced to participate in a head count three times a day, can’t work or study, and live under harsh conditions.
Since the detention facility was set up, Israeli immigration police have imprisoned more than 2,500 African asylum seekers under the country's so-called "Infiltrators Law", which allows Israel to detain, without charge or trial, migrants who have entered the country without legal documentation.

The Israeli Ministry of Interior does not process individual asylum requests; according to human rights groups, the country has recognised less than 200 asylum seekers as refugees since its creation in 1948.
The detainees decided to march towards the Israeli-Egyptian border, only a few kilometres from Holot, to demand that Israel and the international community recognise in their refugee status, or alternatively allow them to go to Egypt, where most travelled to Israel from.  
The Israeli army and police forces prevented the marchers from advancing to the border, and a temporary camp was established nearby.
Forty-eight hours later, Israeli immigration police were sent to the camp in large numbers, forcibly boarding all the protesters on a bus, and returning them to prison.