Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Just remember who's paying who's doing without and What's reaping all the BENEFITS

Granted I didn't write this whole thing as far as the numbers in
such I got that information from the links included on this and just added a little bit of
what I thought in between.

I am a registered voter and have been voting since the age of 18,

Just remember who's paying, who's doing without, and What's reaping
all the BENEFITS.

I tried locating information about Jewish Family Services sponsoring and bringing them here unable to find anything right now. Maybe them and all the other We are the World People would like to adopt one of their families and have them live in their neighborhoods bringing property values down and have an increase in Crime Rates in their areas. (Bexley, Ohio)

I just posted this to show if it's happening here at this rate can you
imagine Nationwide, on top of all the other money spent in other
states maybe not to just Somalians but all Legal, Illegal, Refugees
that are Non Tax Paying, Non Working, Can't speak English, Disease
Spreading Everywhere not just Ohio, shouldn't be here to begin with
much less receive any sort of Aide from the Government which gives
them more while taking away from those who have paid into the System
and are Retired.

Somali Community

* 45,000+ Somali live in central Ohio.
* 7% of Somalis Immigrants speak English well enough to get a job.
* 15% have become citizens of the United States of America
* 80% live with their families
* Average Family has 7-8 members
* 99.9% of Somali are Muslims
* 75% are eligible to become U.S. Citizens
* The number of Somali's living in central Ohio will continue to
increase in the next 5 years


Speech On The Somali Community

The SCAO staff, continues to work diligently to meet new needs by
providing additional services in the coming year.
Hassan Omar, President Address to Columbus City Council
August 7, 2007

Good Afternoon to the Members of the City Council; Health, Housing and
Human Committee Chair Charleta Tavares; guests, friends and citizens
of Columbus:
In 1991, civil war raged in Somali and the nation was plunged into a
nightmare of murder and destruction. Statistics on the number of
people who lost their lives range as high as 500,000 and this number
continues to rise today. Somali's infrastructure disintegrated and
most people left all their belongings and many left family as they
fled violence, instability, disease and famine to live in refugee
camps. Today it is estimated that the civil war has caused
displacement of millions of Somali's eight million citizens.

Somali refugees began arriving in the United States and Columbus
became a popular destination. Ohio now has the second largest Somali
population in the nation. It is estimated that 40,000 Somali refugees
call Columbus home and more are expected in the future. Even in
Somali, Columbus, Ohio has become well-known.

In 2000 the Somali Community Association of Ohio began providing
assistance to hundreds of these new refugees and immigrants. Men,
women, young adults and school children walk through our doors every
day searching for community services.

Dedicated staff and volunteers who understand the language and culture
of Somali, help these new families learn about the language, culture
and lifestyle in America.

Somali Community's outreach services assist people from the north,
east and west sides of Columbus, and throughout Central Ohio. Many
people come for help who have relocated from Kentucky, Indiana,
Michigan and other states.

African immigrants from Ethiopia, Eritriea, Ghana, and even low-income
African-Americans are provided services too.

The SCAO has assisted as many as 60,000 family members since it opened
its doors to the community. A diversity of services is provided

• ESL classes
• Citizenship training
• Adult workforce development
• Youth workforce development
• Job skills training and job retention
• Translation and interpretation
• Case management
• Meals for seniors
• Housing issues and referrals
• Legal and advocacy services
• Basic life skills training and acculturation
• Outreach to educational institutions
• Outreach to job partners

Many refugee families who lack English language skills are unfamiliar
with the education system. They look to the staff and volunteers of
Somali Community to help with school enrollment, after-school tutoring
and mentoring for their children. Three-hundred and forty (340)
children were enrolled in our after-school program but unfortunately
for those who depended on this necessary help, the program is no
longer available due to lack of funding.

The staff and volunteers of Somali Community educate and encourage
people to become U.S. citizens. Today as many as 4,000 to 5,000 Somali
men and women have achieved this reward. Most of them began by walking
through our doors.

* 45,000+ Somali live in central Ohio.

* 7% of Somalis Immigrants speak English well enough to get a
job.=3,150 out of 45,000

* 15% have become citizens of the United States of America) =6,750

More than 400 to 500 Somali businesses, from Mom and Pop to shopping
malls, are creating a positive economic impact in Columbus today.
Somali Community produce and support these businesses through
partnership and outreach to community organizations who offer
assistance to those immigrants who strive for financial independence
through business ownership.

Above average school drop-out and unemployment rates exist among
Somali youth 17, 18, 19 and older who were not formally educated in
war-torn Somali or neighboring refugee camps. In the U.S., many are
placed in grades with younger students and feel out of place and
eventually drop-out. This can easily lead down the wrong path. The
SCAO, along with our funding partners, promote and provide programs
that help create financial independence, a safe haven and positive
role models to counteract these negative influences.

Students, who attend and complete computer literacy classes in the
SCAO's computer lab, receive certification for Microsoft Office Skills
Training, which greatly enhances their opportunity to attain and
retain employment.

Although required by our funding contracts to place 100 people in jobs
by the fourth quarter of 2006, over 200 out-of-work individuals
enrolled in our job programs are employed and are productive, tax
paying individuals now.

Senior citizens served by the SCAO face specific challenges,
especially those challenges relating to loss of health care. Some
refugees and immigrants can receive SSI benefits for up to seven
years. But after those seven years, if you do not attain U.S.
citizenship, you risk losing all social security income and medical
assistance. For the aged, learning a new language, culture and history
is overwhelming and citizenship can be a difficult task to accomplish.

After 911, the U.S. Government implemented a wide range of legislative
measures in the name of Homeland Security. The impact on citizenship
and immigration has been profound. Today, citizenship has been
significantly delayed for many individuals who have applied for,
tested and passed citizenship examinations. Name checks, one of the
FBI's security screening tools, has prevented completion of many

To overcome the daily challenges that immigrants and refugees must
overcome in order to transition into productive members of the
mainstream, these crucial barriers must be dealt with through
increased funding by our city, state and county partners:

• Expanded educational opportunities for adults and children
• In-house legal services
• Immigration and citizenship
• Housing availability and affordability
• Transportation
• Day care
• Senior citizen services

In order to abate the serious issues that are growing along with the
population, decisive action must be taken. The SCAO is working
diligently with law enforcement, political action groups, and
community and government agencies to improve and maximize services and
to minimize future problems.

We believe that it is in the united power of SCAO's committed staff,
volunteers, government agencies, other non profits, public and private
foundations and Columbus' concerned citizens to fulfill our mission of
self sufficiency, economic empowerment and productive citizenship for
every member of our community.

Also remember this right here in Columbus Ohio and these where the ones caught!

8 Somali Store operators rob tax payers $1.5 mill a year in Food Stamp
Fraud and that was at one Store, can you imagine how many more are
doing the same, in all foreign run business not just these Somali
owned businesses.




In most States, SSI beneficiaries also can get Medicaid (medical
assistance) to pay for hospital stays, doctor bills, prescription
drugs, and other health costs.

SSI beneficiaries may also be eligible for food stamps in every State
except California. In some states, an application for SSI benefits
also serves as an application for food assistance.

We pay SSI benefits on the first of the month for the entire month.

To get SSI benefits, you must be disabled, blind, or at least 65 years
old and have "limited" income and resources.

In addition, to get SSI benefits, you must:

––be a resident of the United States, and
––not be absent from the country for more than 30 days;
––be either a U.S. citizen or national, or in one of certain

categories of eligible non–citizens.



Eligible Non-Citizens, what the hell is that! I know when I was at
Carfagna's yesterday to buy Meat they had on sale, I was listening to
the Butchers talk because of course it's the beginning of the month
FOOD STAMPS and they where talking about how they had seen famlies of
4 come in with $1,400 a month in Food Stamps. What are they feeding
their neighborhood who also receives Food Stamps?! ..

(For Non Taxpaying, Non Working, Non Citizens, How many American
Citizens are doing without between the War and the Above mentioned.
Port Container Inspectors! What have you ever noticed how the
majority of those are Somali or of some other Nationality that are
known to be sworn enemies of the United States)

Could your tax dollars be better spent?
Taxpayers in Columbus, Ohio
will pay $316.2 million for proposed Iraq War Spending for FY2008.
the same amount of money, the following could have been provided:
105,977 People with Health Care OR
354,089 Homes with Renewable
Electricity OR
7,584 Public Safety Officers OR
4,840 Music and Arts
Teachers OR
39,120 Scholarships for University Students OR (can you or your children get free to mostly free education?)
28 New
Elementary Schools OR
2,949 Affordable Housing Units OR
Children with Health Care OR
48,819 Head Start Places for Children OR
5,372 Elementary School Teachers OR
6,522 Port Container Inspectors

Copyright 2007 National Priorities Project

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