Wednesday, February 13, 2008

security or control

how much security
We have come to a point in history where the main concern is security.Polls taken in the past(post 9/11 have shown that people are willing to give up liberties that were earned for us in blood for a little/the illusion of security.)Our government has willingly played on our collective fears and created a new albatross.It is called the Office of homeland security.Have we regressed so much as a society that the federal government is our last bastion of a secure enviroment?I read in the news today that the President is pushing to get the 1978 foreign intelligence surveillance act updated to protect telecom companies from lawsuits from people who have their phones tapped.So uncle sugar wants to be able to bug peoples phones and take one of our last rights to protect ourselves away?It seems to me that if we have no device to protect ourselves that our only recourse is to demand more security from the government,which in turn strips more liberty.Ever notice how these erosions of our liberties only happen a little at a time?Also remember that this is the same body that experimented on our people with lsd.Should we really trust these people with our security?I think as a people we have to get back to self reliance on some fronts,how about provide for our own protection?Truthfully,we are no more secure than we were prior to 9/11.We had government employees working on our behalf prior to 9/11,why would anyone think that putting more on the payroll would help to do anything except throw money that we don't have at a problem that changes in severity,depending on whether it is an election year or not.I guess my point to this rant is that our own worst enemy is fear,most of it induced by our elected officials/media.Things are going to happen,that does not mean we should give up what is ours.Maybe we need to look at who stands to profit from control measures imposed on our society and question their motives and take appropriate action.
Posted by apostate constituency at 10:46 AM 0 comments

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