Sunday, March 2, 2008

This is the BIGGEST CROCK OF................

Our view on free trade: Bashing NAFTA misses real reason for factory job losses - Yahoo! News

This story is the biggest crock of shit. They are just trying to blame this on the what "Rising Population" Of what ummmmmmmm, let me see oh yeah Illegal Immigrants, Refugees. They had to blame it on something besides themselves because they see the country growing more and more angry. AS WE RIGHTFULLY SHOULD.

Not only are all of to so many jobs gone, moved over seas for cheaper labor, crappy products that have Killed Our Pets, Injured, Killed, Made People Deathly Ill etc etc. I blame our Greedy Government for this. It's alright for this to happen we the Government and their Cronies are lining their pockets with Wealth while the Rich get Richer and the Poor get Richer, leaving the Blue Collar Worker(Middle Class) with nothing.

The Government can support people that aren't even Citizens of this Nation with Grants, Vouchers, Subsidies, Free Education, Free Medical Treatment, etc, etc. While these workers are taking jobs that they said Americans didn't want to or won't work. Ummmmmmmm did anyone else never eat out at a Restaurant, Have their Homes Built, Lawns Mowed, Stayed in a Hotel/Motel where they where made to change and clean your own room before these Illegals and Refugees got here?

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