Sunday, June 7, 2009

How Do You Define Terrorist?

Kill all Terrorists and those that strike FEAR in people, which is making a very broad statement, Col. Peters. How do you define terrorist or terrorism exactly? If you are saying Kill all those who strike "FEAR" wouldn't you also be labeling the Police and Government as "Fear" Strikers?

The Government is a guilty culprit in striking fear amongst one big time placing “FEAR” into the Citizens of America, whether it’s through False Flags of Terrorist attack, disease Allowing known terrorists into the country, even if they are on the DHS WATCHLIST.

Terrorist Organization How many on this list are on American Soil, How many are the American Tax payer being exploited by with support either by Public Assistance, coming back and forth during allotted time periods of not having to pay taxes, owning businesses. . .

Why it is that only certain groups can demonstrate protests without this kind of abuse today? I mean look at the multitudes of Illegal’s that march or have parades rubbing it into tax paying Americans faces. I think that would be the perfect time for ICE, Homeland Security, whomever to get buses, and round up said Illegal Immigrants and send them back, but instead when American Citizens Protest, demonstrate their First Amendment Right they are rounded up and abused.

I know this has been going on throughout time in prior generations over Wars, Civil Rights, Prohibition, the Right to Vote, etc. In modern day America why isn't this being seen on the National News? Why is that you just see racial fights, If you don't think that the United States is Living in a Police State look at this. This is just a drop in the bucket as news stories keep surfacing on a daily basis about Freedom of Speech, Thought, having an opinion, being an Euro American, what Political Party etc is treated as a major crime.

jlh 06/07/09

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