Thursday, February 4, 2010

North Carolina Schools Cutting or Re-Writing History?

Isn’t this just lovely? NOT, I mean I can see them changing, adding more of the truths of American History and taking away part of the lies that have been hammered into students heads from elementary school on. Add more parts of the truth and eliminate the same old same old they brainwash you with. Just another Jew tactic to dumb down America and a way keep students away from what and where they came from and what our forefathers fought for. Another reason for Home Schooling!
He may be the president who governed during the Civil War, freeing the slaves, but under a new curriculum proposal for North Carolina high schools, U.S. history would begin years after President Lincoln, with the presidency of Rutherford B. Hayes in 1877.
State education leaders say this may help students learn about more recent history in greater depth.
“We are certainly not trying to go away from American history,” Rebecca Garland, the chief academic officer for North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, told Fox News. “What we are trying to do is figure out a way to teach it where students are connected to it, where they see the big idea, where they are able to make connections and draw relationships between parts of our history and the present day.”
As the North Carolina curriculum stands now, ninth-grade students take world history, 10th-graders study civics and economics and 11th-graders take U.S. history going back to the country’s founding.
Under the proposed change, the ninth-graders would take a course called global studies, focusing in part on issues such as the environment. The 10th grade still would study civics and economics, but 11th-graders would take U.S. history only from 1877 onward.

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