Sunday, August 14, 2011

Stop Homosexual Ideology in Childrens Shows

Stop Homosexual Ideology in Childrens Shows

Should Sesame Street‘s Bert & Ernie Get Married?

Well they’ll have to get married first but if has anything to say about it, puppets Bert andErnie will be walking down the aisle very soon. A petition started by Lair Scott, and with 8, 215 signatures and counting,  is calling for the producers of Sesame Street to force longtime roommates and rubber-ducky enthusiasts out of the closet. The petition reads:

“In this horrific age of LGBT kids taking their own lives, they need to know that they ARE BEAUTIFUL and their lives are worth living. Aside from those that are committing suicide, the bullies that facilitate these tragedies need to learn that homophobia is NOT okay.
They need to know that acceptance of their fellow human beings would indeed plant a seed of peace that will reverberate throughout the world. We are not asking that Sesame Street do anything crude or disrespectful. Only that they allow Bert & Ernie to marry or even add a transgender character to the show. It can be done in a tasteful way. Let us teach tolerance of those that are different. Let Sesame Street and PBS Kids be a big part in saving many worthy lives.”
Ummmm really?? Just because Bert and Ernie live together does NOT mean they are gay. Anybody that has watched Sesame Street knows that Bert and Ernie are notoriously argumentative. If they were a couple, they probably would have broken up a long time ago and needed therapy and a good divorce lawyer. The two are just friends and Sesame Street has released a statement via Facebook saying so:

Steps to Protecting Our Children from the Homosexual Agenda on TV

The gay movement intends to capture the next generation. We need to take action to protect our children!
While homosexuals are only 1-2% of the population, they account for as many as 40% of all child molestations in the U.S. The Journal of the American Medical Association reported:
50 percent of male AIDS victims reported having sex with an adult male by the age of 16.
20 percent of male AIDS victims had sex with an adult male by age 10.
The homosexual movement in the United States has achieved unprecedented power during the past two decades as a result of its dedication to one single cause: The overhauling of Straight America to accept and embrace homosexuality as a normal variation of sexual expression. (Homosexuality 101)
Gay rights activists “bombarded” the stations with protesting calls and e-mails when they are offended.
Step 1: Protest Garbage on TV – It is Easier than You Think
TV stations that do not consider showing two lesbians or two homosexuals kissing or getting into bed with each other controversial need to know we object. The FCC now provides viewers with a quick and easy online complaint form. It takes only a few minutes to file a formal complaint against your local broadcast station.

Step 2: Boycott Companies Promoting Homosexual Agenda on TV

We are consumers. We have dollar power in the media.

Step 3: Stay Informed!

Did you know Sponge Bob, Barney promote ‘gay’ tolerance? 61,000 schools are scheduled to receive the “We Are Family” video with lesson plans that support the homosexual agenda in March.

Stop Homosexual Ideology in Childrens Shows

The Petition

Due to the push of Gay Marriage recently, childrens shows have now become the focal point for this perverse ideology. Children should be children and not have to worry about sexual inuendos until they are at the age of consent. It is a perverse travesty that our children are being forced to learn about homosexual acts through school and seeing gay couples displaying vulgar acts of intimacy throughout public venues. Now it will be forced upon them through preschool to toddler aged media outlets. Homosexuality breeds nothing more than disease and a decrease in traditional family values and morals.
thank you for the petition Battalion14

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