Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Jewish Scientist Nears Physical Cure For ‘White Racism.’ A Nanotechnology Lobotomy?

Time is running out for a white race already brainwashed into accepting, even welcoming their own fate.
‘Racism’ will be cured by future proceedures such as nano-tech operations to lobotomise areas of the brain as well as to alter DNA to ‘breed out’ the ability to discriminate within the white brain:
“Racism, says a leading Jewish scientist, “is ‘hardwired’ into the human brain – and people (Ed: in the terms of political correctness this means whites) can be prejudiced without knowing it.” Says Dr Elizabeth Phelps, of New York University.
But what is a big discovery for Talmudic thinkers has long been well known to all the rest of us. ‘Racism’ is hardwired into the brain and it operates unconsciously. “The same circuits in the brain that allow us to see which ethnic group a person belongs to overlap with others that drive emotional decisions.” And her anti-nature conclusion is: “The result is that even right-thinking individuals make unconscious decisions based on a person’s race.”
Aryans have long known that so-called ‘racism’ is an operational necessity for tribes, races, nations and animal species to protect themselves from intrusion from outside. Antipathy to other groups as a whole is natural and important to preserve human and animal bio-diversity. A bio-diversity the Jews want to end by creating an entirely new world with living meat grown in laborotories and the Goyim microchipped, lobotomised and enhanced with technology to help them carry out slave functions successfuly and be under entire Jewish control.
In a sentence which betrays the plan to alter the human genome and the brain of individuals Dr Phelps says that “The finding may force researchers to think about racism in entirely new ways, and the findings published in Nature Neuroscience could lead to fresh ways of thinking about unintended race-based attitudes and decisions.” Dr Elizabeth Phelps, of New York University, and colleagues reviewed previous brain scanning studies showing how social categories of race are processed, evaluated and incorporated in decision-making.  >>>MORE<<<  Thank you Brian

(June 23, 2011) We are used to permanent improvements in the price performance of consumer electronics and the like. But soon a new nanoelectronic switch technology will be required to sustain this progress. John Kelly discusses how nanotechnology will drive the next wave of disruptive innovation and the potential implications for business and society.

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