Friday, July 6, 2012

“The Foundation Is The Koran”

Muslim Congressman: Model America‘s Schools After ’Madrasas’

Those with a functioning memory of the years during which George W. Bush was President will recall only too well the constant furor on the Left over the administration’s supposed obsession with the idea of bringing theocracy to bear in America. This complaint was especially shrill in regards to the idea of voucherizing education, an idea that made many a progressive sit bolt upright in bed, sweating and shaking at the idea that someone, somewhere might hear the word “God” in an educational context. “Why,” they complained, “if we let him get away with it, the President would probably model all our schools after seminaries!”
Fortunately for us, those nightmarish days of theocratic overreach are past. No legislator in Barack Obama’s Democratic party would ever be so backwards, so barbaric as to suggest that America shouldever model its educational institutions after religious schools.

edit 9:33pm est
I found the entire speech or more of it that I am adding by request thank you Frank. Shera

Hosting over 10,000 madrasas, Pakistan’s religious and public educational infrastructure are of ongoing concern in the United States. In an economy that is marked by extreme poverty and underdevelopment, costs associated with Pakistan’s cash-strapped public education system have led many Pakistanis to turn to madrasas for free education, room, and board. Links between Pakistani madrasas and the ousted Afghan Taliban regime, as well as alleged connections between some madrasas and Al Qaeda, have led some observers consider the reform of Pakistan’s madrasa system as an important component of combating anti-U.S. terrorism and in helping to stabilize the recently-formed Afghan government.
This must be something deep because I got a warning before reading it and that has NEVER EVER HAPPENED BEFORE......WOW

In recommending increased U.S. attention to “actual or potential terrorist sanctuaries,” the 9/11 Commission’s final report singled out “poor education” in Pakistan as “a particular concern,” citing reports that some madrasas “have been used as incubators for violent extremism.” These reports received new and more urgent attention following reports that one of the four suicide bombers that carried out the July 2005 terrorist attacks on the London transportation system had spent time at a Pakistani madrasa with alleged links to extremists. In response, Pakistani authorities renewed plans to require all madrasas to register with the government and provide an account of their financing sources. The government had previously offered incentives to madrasas that agreed to comply with registration procedures, including better training, salaries, and supplies.MORE

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