Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Germany’s Defense Against ‘Atrocities Propaganda’ May 20, 1933

Doc  Germany's Defense Against 'Atrocities Propaganda'

A German order to destroy Novgorod did not exist. The population suffered under Soviet bombings. Novgorod’s church treasures were robbed by the retreating Soviet troops, and its artifacts were sunk on a ship in the Wolchow River. The world famous Novgorod monument “Thousand Year Russia” was saved by the Wehrmacht from destruction. Jasnaja Poljana, Tolstoy’s estate, was under the protection of the German Panzergruppe 2 by order of General Heinz Guderian. The 49th German Gebirgsjägerkorps proceeded against the anti-Jewish pogrom in Lemberg on June 29, 1941. After the occupation of Smolensk in 1941, the population of the local district discovered 135,000 bodies in mass graves, Russians shot by the NKVD during the ‘Chistka.’ The cathedral of Smolensk, damaged by Soviet shells, was restored during the time of German occupation and was reopened for the orthodox believers. Against the advice of the German military leadership, the masses of the rural population attached themselves to the retreating German occupation troops, when in 1944 the big retreat started.
This can be read in the latest book about Russian historical revisionism: The Great Civil War 1941-1945 (Moscow 2002, 642 pages, ISBN 5 941 38015 1). The volume, a collection of separate articles, published by the former Komsomol leader Igor Djakow, includes, among others, articles about the preventive war of June 22, 1941, in which German documents are also quoted. The timeliness of the discussion about the thesis of the preventive war is further indicated in still other new books on the Russian book market, for example Mikhail Melityukhovs 544 pages volume Stalin’s Missed Chances. The Soviet Union in the Fight for Europe 1939-1941. It was published by the well-known national-liberal publisher “Vyeche” (Thing). Different perspectives about “Barbarossa” in Germany and in Russia: While in Germany the raison d’être of the regime defines the borderline of permissible thoughts regarding the research for the cause of the war, one can observe the opposite in Russia, as put forth in The Big Civil War 1941-1945. Yes, in Russia, where a refusal to crawl to foreign dogmas does not cost the head of anhistorian. Djakow dedicates the book “to all Russian and German soldiers, who were killed in a war that was unleashed by the enemies of the European culture.”
In contrast to the investigation of the Katyn Forest massacre organized by the Wehrmacht in 1943, a thorough investigation of Auschwitz by an international commission of experts was not carried out at the end of the War. It was clearly the fault of the Soviet and Polish Communists that this was not done. Says Nolte:
“Release of photographs of crematory ovens and several cans bearing the words ‘Zyklon B. Poisonous Gas’ has no evidentiary value at all. Crematories were necessarily present in all typhus infested internment camps, and Zyklon B was a recognized medium of disinfestation. It was indispensable wherever large numbers of people lived under poor sanitary conditions.” (page 96)
In these passages, Nolte is responding to the customary polemics, which Fritjof Meyer dutifully rolls out in support of “gas chambers.” But Nolte emphatically concludes:
“The general conclusion that there were no mass exterminations by poison gas is obviously impermissible.”
He then quotes the Jewish American historian Arno Mayer, according to whom materials for the investigation of gas chambers “are scarce and unreliable.”

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