Friday, September 14, 2012

What It Means That The Fed Launched ‘Unlimited QE’ Things are going to get much worse.

Confirmed: We Are In A Depression & The FED and ECB Are Out Of Bullets!


The Federal Reserve decision is out, and it’s a biggie.
There are two main components.
The first is that the FederalReserve has extended its guidance for low rates through 2015.
The second is that there’s going to be open ended quantitative easing.
The Federal Reserve will buy $40 billion worth of Mortgage Backed Securities without end.
Whereas in the past the Fed always announced a specific amount of QE, this time there will be no stop until the Fed is happy with the pace of recovery.
From MarketWatach
Significantly, the new bond-buying plan is open-ended, meaning that the Fed will keep buying long-term bonds until it sees a substantial improvement in the job market. If hiring doesn’t pick up, the Fed could step up the pace of bond-buying until it does.

October 6 2011: Occupy This: Mark the Banks to Market

Ilargi: The Bank of England announces QE2 (£500 billion?). The ECB will provide unlimited credit to European banks. The IMF will buy EU sovereign debt (so the whole world is forced to finance what the EU itself so far refuses to). All this drives up the markets.
It’s high time to realize that what is good for the financial system is not just not also good for you, it’s becoming more detrimental by the day. That is your money being given away. That is the money that’s being taken from you that feeds investors, speculators and banks. That money will no longer be available to feed your children. If you see those markets go up, you need to realize that it’s you who pays to make them do that.
We’ve recently entered the third year of this giant give-away, this wealth transfer that knows no equal, not even close, in world history. And we still let it happen. We even let ourselves be fooled by politicians and media pundits into believing we’re in a recovery. As in: there has been one after the 2008 collapse, and it’s now the recovery that’s threatened. And all we need to do is valiantly, bravely but resolutely restore it.

Perhaps people like Ben Bernanke actually think there is or there has been a recovery. He certainly sounds like he does. Here’s what he said in Congress this week: “We need to make sure that the recovery continues and doesn’t drop back…”

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