Monday, February 25, 2013

Senator Flake says no legal status for illegal aliens committing crimes

During a discussion with Bill Bennett on Bennett’s radio show, Morning in America, Senator Jeff Flake said that as long as illegal aliens have not committed any crimes other than entering the United State illegally that they will be eligible for legal status.
This is consistent with what Senator John McCain had said on CBS This Morning just a day earlier.
If they actually meant what they said, it would be a major change from previous comprehensive reform efforts which only denied legal status to a relatively small number of illegal aliens who had been convicted of serious crimes.
By using the term “committed,” McCain and Flake make it impossible for most illegal aliens to qualify for legal status since illegal aliens routinely commit multiple, job-related felonies. For example, according to the Social Security Actuarythree quarters (75%) of the estimated eleven million illegal aliens in the United States use illegally obtained Social Security numbers. This is a federal crime (felony Social Security fraud) and would, therefore disqualify illegal aliens from legal status.
In addition, illegal aliens routinely commit perjury on I-9 forms which is another federal felony. They also commit felony identity theft and forgery.
All of these crimes will be discovered when illegal aliens applying for legal status submit documents to show previous employment, payment of taxes, etc. And once discovered, they will render the perpetrators ineligible for legal status based on McCain’s and Flake’s statements. >>>MORE<<<

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