Friday, May 3, 2013

Mountain Dew Yanks Commercial Amid Accusations of Racism (Video)

What I find really racist even talking about this commerical and article  is that they can’t even say the race of the ‘battered and bloodied woman’ who happens to be WHITE as seen in video.

Mountain Dew is pulling down a brazen new ad that has incited outrage and accusations of racism.
The minute-long commercial features five members of the hip-hop collective Odd Future as suspects in a line-up that also includes a talking goat named Felicia (voiced by the group’s ringleader, the rapper-producer Tyler the Creator). A battered and bloodied woman — sporting a neck brace and crutches — wails with fear as Felicia threatens her from behind the mirrored window. “Keep your mouth shut. I’m gonna get outta here and I’m gonna ’dew’ you up,” bullies the goat, prompting the woman to run away. Meanwhile, a jaded cop guzzles a bottle of Mountain Dew.
“We apologize for this video and take full responsibility,” a rep for distributor PepsiCo said in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter. “We have removed it from all Mountain Dew channels and Tyler is removing it from his channels as well.”
The clip, part of a trash-talking series of Mountain Dew video spots from Tyler the Creator, has been deemed ”arguably the most racist commercial in history” by author and social commentator Dr. Boyce Watkinsaccording to Adweek, which earlier Wednesday posted a statement from PepsiCo saying: “We understand how this video could be perceived by some as offensive, and we apologize to those who were offended.”
A similar spot shows Felicia the Goat acting violently toward a woman — this time, a waitress — in a crazed bid to get her hooves on the bright-yellow soda. MORE

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