Thursday, May 2, 2013

Social Security comes after 60 y/o man for $895 overpayment they made to his mom; Meanwhile Illegal Immigrants are costing us billions in $$I payments/subsidies , and that’s just one state in 1994.

Do you know what the most ironic thing about this is?  My mother who has worked all her life paying into the SS funds for when she retires, happened to change careers where she pays into a retirement fund for over 5 years, and the State/Government took away 2/3 of all that money.  She has never ever recieved any kind of government assistance before either.  Meanwhile she continues to work even after being diagnosed with Cancer, has had hip replacements and still doesn’t collect a cent from the government.
Also, I thought it was illegal for companies to hire Illegal Immigrants , to me it’s just another lie being told to the American People?!?   shera~

America’s Baby Bust

The nation’s falling fertility rate is the root cause of many of our problems. And it’s only getting worse.

For more than three decades, Chinese women have been subjected to their country’s brutal one-child policy. Those who try to have more children have been subjected to fines and forced abortions. Their houses have been razed and their husbands fired from their jobs. As a result, Chinese women have a fertility rate of 1.54. Here in America, white, college-educated women—a good proxy for the middle class—have a fertility rate of 1.6. America has its very own one-child policy. And we have chosen it for ourselves.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Imagine if your parent received an over-payment from the government but decades later, the government took the money out of your tax return.
Gilbert Stokes, 60, of Jacksonville, said it happened to him.
“I’m angry,” Stokes said Wednesday morning.
Stokes felt the same way when he received a letter from the Social Security Administration in January.
“[The letter] said [SSA] was going to withhold my taxes unless I contacted about this social security over-payment,” Stokes explained.
Forty-two years ago in 1971, Stokes’ mother Ruby Lee received an over-payment of $895 while he was in the Navy.
“My first impression was someone was trying to punk me,” he said.
Stokes’ mother died five years ago.
“They only show this one letter being sent. And it’s an over-payment that they can go out and get their money,” Stokes said. “That’s the office response to my question about the delay.”
Stokes said the government took matters into its own hands and deducted the money from his recent tax refund.
“I just couldn’t believe it,” he said.  MORE

Illegal Immigration: Numbers, Benefits, and Costs in California

May 1994 Volume 1 Number 4

California has been at the forefront of the debate over whether the federal government should reimburse states for the costs they incur to serve illegal immigrants. Over 300 people attended an April 29, 1994 conference in Sacramento, California to hear presentations on the number and the benefits and costs of unauthorized immigrants.
There is far more consensus on the number of unauthorized immigrants than on their benefits and costs. For example, the consensus is that there are about 1.6 million unauthorized immigrants in California. However, there is much less consensus on how much these immigrants pay in taxes and cost in services, and this uncertainty, combined with inabilityof experts to predict the future trajectory of the illegal immigrants and the economy, means that there is evidence on both sides of the central question: will the unauthorized immigrants arriving today be a future benefit or burden?
In January 1994, Governor Wilson estimated that the state incurred $2.3 billion in unreimbursed costs to provide federally-mandated services to unauthorized immigrants–$1.7 billion for education, $377 million for corrections, and $300 million for health care costs. The corrections and health care cost estimates are based on counts of unauthorized aliens incarcerated and served; the education cost estimate is based on the estimated number of illegal aliens in the state.
Wilson argues that, since the federal government has exclusive control over immigration policy, the federal government should reimburse states for all of the costs they incur to provide services to unauthorized immigrants, especially those services, such as tuition-free education for school-age children, that the federal government or courts require the states to provide. Once the principle of federal reimbursement is established, there remains the question of how much the federal government should pay. MORE
The WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures disciplines the use of subsidies, and it regulates the actions countries can take to counter the effects of subsidies. Under the agreement, a country can use the WTO’s dispute-settlement procedure to seek the withdrawal of the subsidy or the removal of its adverse effects. Or the country can launch its own investigation and ultimately charge extra duty (“countervailing duty”) on subsidized imports that are found to be hurting domestic producers.

Illegal Immigrants Are Bolstering Social Security With Billions

STOCKTON, Calif. – Since illegally crossing the Mexican border into the United States six years ago, Ángel Martínez has done backbreaking work, harvesting asparagus, pruning grapevines and picking the ripe fruit. More recently, he has also washed trucks, often working as much as 70 hours a week, earning $8.50 to $12.75 an hour.
Not surprisingly, Mr. Martínez, 28, has not given much thought to Social Security’s long-term financial problems. But Mr. Martínez – who comes from the state of Oaxaca in southern Mexico and hiked for two days through the desert to enter the United States near Tecate, some 20 miles east of Tijuana – contributes more than most Americans to the solvency of the nation’s public retirement system.
Last year, Mr. Martínez paid about $2,000 toward Social Security and $450 for Medicare through payroll taxes withheld from his wages. Yet unlike most Americans, who will receive some form of a public pension in retirement and will be eligible for Medicare as soon as they turn 65, Mr. Martínez is not entitled to benefits.
He belongs to a big club. As the debate over Social Security heats up, the estimated seven million or so illegal immigrant workers in the United States are now providing the system with a subsidy of as much as $7 billion a year.  MORE

No Amnesty For Illegal Aliens
1. The Mexican government benefits by pushing off as many of their extremely poor and poorly educated people as possible. You wonder why? Because these illegal aliens mail back an estimated 20 Billion dollars a year into the Mexican economy. Mexico also uses the U.S. Social Services programs ( and other tax paid programs and services ) to benefit Mexico’s Citizens ( illegal aliens in OUR country ) with U.S. Tax Dollars to the tune of 250-300 BILLION dollars YEARLY ( Direct and indirect cost to U.S. Citizens ).

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