Sunday, May 19, 2013

Stoning emphasized in new Islamic Punishment law, but who are we to cast a stone when other religions do and did the same?

When did Jews stop stoning people to death like

their god commands them to do?

Christians say they don’t stone people to death anymore despite clear commandments from their god to do so because they claim those are old Jew laws. So what excuse do Jews use for disobeying their god by not stoning people to death for working on the Sabbath, eating shellfish, wearing clothing made from different fibers etc?

Stoning in Scripture

Palestine being a very rocky country, the abundance of stones made itnatural to use them as missiles. Stone throwing might be merely a mark of hatred and contempt (2 Samuel 16:6-13), or the means of carrying out murderous intentions against which provision had to be made in theLaw (Exodus 21:18Numbers 35:17). Stoning to death which was at first an expression of popular fury analogous to “lynching”, later came to be a natural and legally recognized method of execution. It was this regulated by law as an appointed means of capital punishment(Deuteronomy 17:5-7Acts 7:58). Death by stoning is prescribed in thePentateuch as the penalty for eighteen different crimes includingSabbath-breaking, but for one crime only — murder — is it the penaltyprescribed in all the codes. The execution of the criminal usually took place outside the city walls, and according to Deuteronomy 17:7, thewitnesses in the case were to cast the first stone: “Thou shalt bring forth the man or the woman, who have committed that most wickedthing, to the gates of thy city, and they shall be stoned. By the mouth of two or three witnesses shall he die who is to be slain…. The hands of thewitnesses shall be first upon him to kill him, and afterwards the hands of the rest of the people”. (Deuteronomy 17:5-7). Stoning is also mentioned in Acts 7:57-58, as the means by which Stephen the firstChristian martyr was put to death: “And casting him forth without the city, they stoned him.”

Stoning, or lapidation, is a form of capital punishment whereby a group throws stones at a person until death ensues. No individual among the group can be identified as the one who kills the subject, yet everyone involved plainly bears some degree of moral culpability. This is in contrast to the case of a judicial executioner. Slower than other forms of execution, stoning is a form of execution by torture.  >>more<<

Everyone knows that the Islamic Republic of Iran is “extremist,” but in fact, in Islamic terms stoning is not “extremist”; it is Islamic law for adulterous women. The caliph Umar, one of Muhammad’s closest companions, even maintained that it was originally in the Qur’an:
‘Umar said, “I am afraid that after a long time has passed, people may say, “We do not find the Verses of the Rajam (stoning to death) in the Holy Book,” and consequently they may go astray by leaving an obligation that Allah has revealed. Lo! I confirm that the penalty of Rajam be inflicted on him who commits illegal sexual intercourse, if he is already married and the crime is proved by witnesses or pregnancy or confession.” Sufyan added, “I have memorized this narration in this way.” ‘Umar added, “Surely Allah’s Apostle carried out the penalty of Rajam, and so did we after him.” (Bukhari, vol. 8, bk. 82, no. 816)
“Allah’s Apostle” is, of course, Muhammad, who did indeed carry out stonings. Here is the hadith in which he challenges the rabbis about stoning, and in which there is amidst the barbarism and brutality a final act of love and compassion:
The Jews came to Allah’s Apostle and told him that a man and a woman from amongst them had committed illegal sexual intercourse. Allah’s Apostle said to them, “What do you find in the Torah (old Testament) about the legal punishment of Ar-Rajm (stoning)?” They replied, (But) we announce their crime and lash them.” Abdullah bin Salam said, “You are telling a lie; Torah contains the order of Rajm.” They brought and opened the Torah and one of them solaced his hand on the Verse of Rajm and read the verses preceding and following it. Abdullah bin Salam said to him, “Lift your hand.” When he lifted his hand, the Verse of Rajm was written there. They said, “Muhammad has told the truth; the Torah has the Verse of Rajm. The Prophet then gave the order that both of them should be stoned to death. (‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar said, “I saw the man leaning over the woman to shelter her from the stones.” (Bukhari, vol. 4, bk. 56, no. 829)
Even the monkeys practiced stoning, according to another hadith:
During the pre-lslamic period of ignorance I saw a she-monkey surrounded by a number of monkeys. They were all stoning it, because it had committed illegal sexual intercourse. I too, stoned it along with them. (Bukhari, vol. 5, bk. 58, no. 188)  >>>more<<<

Three Religions on Stoning

Which of the three religions, Christianity, Judaism or Al-Islam prescribes stoning for adultery?
This matter is rather simple. Let’s take a look at what the Old Testament, New Testament and the Quran says about the punishment for adultery. Without interpretation or interpolation let’s just look at what each book prescribes. Then after doing so let’s ask the question which book are those who stone to death really following?

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