Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Zionist lunacy taking world to hell in handbasket

Zionism. Of course, you can be forgiven for thinking it’s extreme lunacy. Extreme lunacy is beyond nightmares; beyond the ravings of perverted murderers; beyond grotesque, drug-induced hallucinations; beyond that which could be conceived by a drunken Nero; beyond something thought up for Caligula’s birthday party.

Or, put another way, it’s what the USA, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan, UK, the CIA, Mossad and a few others are up to in Syria. Yes, claiming that they are responsible and rational, these self-righteous, corrupt countries and organizations are engaged in financing, training and arming the very Wahhabis, Jihadists, Salafists and al-Qaeda rebels who wish to destroy not only Syria but them as well. 
Claiming they are promoting democracy (and if Saudi Arabia is a democracy then I am Caligula’s horse) they are financing, training and arming those who would destroy democracy as well as life, liberty, human rights, tolerance, decency, standard of living, female integrity – you name it. And, oh yes, the Wahhabis, Jihadists, Salafists and al-Qaeda want to kill all Christians, Sikhs, Hindus, Jews and, in particular, Shia Muslims.
Of course, the West is claiming that it is only financing and arming the ‘good’ terrorists in Syria but the facts on the ground are that the ‘bad’ ones (e.g., the Jabhat al-Nusra [Victory Front] of throat-slitting, choking gas bent) are, one way or another, getting more and more weapons. More from PressTV

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