Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Uninvited Ombudsman Report, No. 129 - New Federal Gun Law Coming Under Radar

2- New Federal Gun Law Coming Under Radar
Lobbyists Overlooked Dec. 3 Date
Will Expiring "Invisible Gun" Law Be Renewed?
Anti-Rights Plans Top Secret for Now
by Alan Korwin, Author
Gun Laws of America
The Uninvited Ombudsman
With Mr. Obama and his allies attacking the right to keep and bear arms from a dozen angles at once, the anti-rights forces in America have overlooked the 1. Undetectable Handgun Law of 1988, set to expire on Dec. 3, less than six weeks away. (Google 18 USC §922(p) for the letter of the law.)
If the law expires as it is scheduled to do, airports and all secure areas could be exposed to guns that metal detectors cannot identify.

Although no such guns exist (in the commercial world) and have never been available to the public, the "news" media created a furor over the non-existent firearms when the polymer-framed Glock pistol was introduced, spreading fear that such weapons could be smuggled into airports past all known screening devices. The Glock and all similar polymer-framed firearms contain large amounts of steel and are easily spotted by metal detectors.
The chances that Congress will let the statute expire are near zero, a quick survey of industry experts indicates. But the subject hasn't hit the public radar yet, and simple reenactment of a federal gun law is a risky bet, given the present administration's penchant for introducing gun mandates at any opportunity.
Any bill that must get through both houses of Congress becomes a magnet for amendments and agenda-driven add-ons. A gun bill will be particularly susceptible to that pressure. Only one tiny change will be needed, the same one made last time this expiration came up. The number of years in the sunset clause on this 1988 law, now "25," will have to increase to whatever new date Congress chooses. They went from 15 to 25 last time.  >>more from buckeyefirearms<<

1. Undetectable Handgun Law of 1988   http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/STATUTE-102/pdf/STATUTE-102-Pg3816.pdf
2.  This Act may be cited as the Undetectable Firearms Modernization Act https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/113/hr1474/text

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