Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Essure Procedure; The Horror Stories From Essure Birth Control Are Scary As Hell

Essure ProcedureI started this website for women who have had the Essure Procedure so they could share their stories and concerns about Essure. I believe that collectively we are strong voices that can create change and not only help ourselves but educate and share our stories so that we can help others find the help and comfort they need.
I have been amazed at the number of women who have written to me with their stories and the serious medical issues they are having due to the Essure implant. Stories from debilitating headaches, nausea, allergic response to the nickel the device is made of, hysterectomies, colon perforation due to device moving, to scans that cannot even find where the device has gone to pregnancy and the women were told that they could not get pregnant yet none of the women were told of the serious side effects.
It is a woman’s right to decide for herself if she wants a certain form of birth control but when they are NOT told of the devastating side effects, well that isn’t right.
Please share your story here so that women with problems from Essure know that they are not alone. We hope that together we can find comfort, create awareness around this issue, help those who are having problems and create a movement to get this product off the market and find a remedy for those who have been harmed.

these women knew what the adverse effects the Essure birth control procedure would have done to them, they wouldn't have gone through with it. The stories are pretty frightening. Over the past few weeks, hundreds of women have come out with their horror stories about the lasting symptoms from the sterilization procedure that are "ravaging their bodies," according to NBC Los Angeles.
The Essure device, which allows women to still enjoy sex without worrying about getting pregnant, involves a pair of nickel metal coils that are inserted in the Fallopian tubes. Scar tissue that gets built up around the coils keep out sperm and prevents pregnancy. It seems simple enough, however, women are complaining that they're getting much more than they bargained for.
Some have said that the pain they felt afterwards was so intense that they had to get hysterectomies. Some felt bloated, developed rashes, and the coils even broke through the Fallopian tubes, according to ABC15. NBC Los Angeles added that women were found "bleeding every day," had developed a "spiderweb" of scar tissue, and one felt like her "insides were on fire."
The FDA approved of the Essure permanent birth control back in 2002, and has since addressed the complaints on their website, saying, "Although there is evidence of complications, as there are with all medical devices, overall results from this study did not demonstrate any new safety problems or an increased incidence of problems already known."  >>more<<

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