Saturday, January 11, 2014

Ohio Constitution Stops Obamacare in its Tracks!

Obamacare has heated this nation into an inferno. Debates, complaints, lawsuits challenging its unconstitutionality, and igniting a fury over many citizens loosing their vital lifesaving healthcare coverage. Many people, whether they be individuals, businesses, or doctors, are feeling overwhelmed and trapped by this detrimental monstrosity. People from all walks of life are being harmed by loss of insurance, life saving healthcare, loss of jobs, loss of hours on their jobs forcing them into part-time work, companies are being broken, and doctors are leaving the healthcare field in mass numbers due to this outrageous “law” enacted by political pundits in Washington that either can’t or refuse to read.
While the federal government would love nothing more to make people believe they are “all powerful” or “what they say goes” or “what they say trumps the power of the states,” it simply is not true. The federal government (Washington) derives all its power from the people. The federal government would have you believe the power structure is as follows: Federal, State, Cities, Towns, and then the people. When in fact as a republic the real structure of our country since its inception has always been: We the people, Towns, Cities, States, and then the Federal Government. The federal government has NO power to enforce their “rules, regulation, laws” on the states unless the states and people allow it. Thus, the reason your state constitution trumps “federal law.” An example of that can be seen in: Mack/Printz vs United States, saying that the States are not “political subdivisions of the Federal Government” and that the feds cannot “compel the states to enforce federal laws.” The Mack/Printz ruling makes it clear that the states do not have to accept orders from the feds! You can find other examples here, here, and here.
State of Ohio3
I now turn your attention to the state of Ohio. According to the Ohio State Constitution no one can be forced or fined to sign up for healthcare. This includes, but is not limited to individuals, businesses, doctors, no one! Nor can they be fined, taxed, penalized, or forced to pay by wage withholding. Whether intentional or not, the state of Ohio has given every person, business, hospital, doctor in that state the legal basis for not having to engage, nor be involved with the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.

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