Tuesday, April 8, 2014

hmmmmmmmmmmmmm; isn't this very similar that they want ANYONE never to forget!?!

'This Is Not A Life': A Journey To Israel's 'Open' Detention Center


Earlier this year, I joined a small team of doctors, nurses, and volunteers from Physicians for Human Rights, an Israeli non-profit organization, on a trip to Holot Open Detention Center. Situated in the heart of the Negev desert, miles from any major city, Holot was erected in late 2013 to hold 3,000 of the 53,000 African asylum seekers who have made their way to Israel since the mid-2000s, mostly from Sudan and Eritrea.
Asylum seekers at the Holot Open Detention Center are free to enter and leave in between three daily headcounts. Even if people do leave, by the time they reach the nearest city, they will only have an hour or two before they have to report back to Holot. They are prohibited from working, except for low-paying jobs cleaning the prison, and rely on a meager allowance of about $45 every ten days, according to Haaretza popular Israeli newspaper. With this money, they must buy clothes, call family members, and pay for transportation.
According to the Guardian, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu called the asylum seekers “infiltrators” whose presence in Israel is illegal and a demographic threat to the ethnic identity of the Jewish state. Until they create a path to legally deport the asylum seekers, the authorities maintain that these people must be kept behind bars. In the words of former Minister of the Interior Eli Yishai, “We will make the lives of infiltrators bitter until they leave.”
After Israel's High Court declared the policy of imprisoning illegal migrants for three years unconstitutional, the Israeli government found an original way to ruin refugees' lives. Migrants are now given an ultimatum: indefinite detention, in the newly opened Holot facility, or “voluntary” deportation to Uganda.   >>more from VICE<<

Well isn't this a little like or similar NAZI LIKE GHETTO Behavior calling the poor oppressed Jews who let it be well known that this kind of behavior is the work of Satan, I call it  a little  hypocritical?  Just saying and comparing nothing more nothing less, just an observation.

Also if any other Western Nation did this it would be considered criminal behavior and racist. . . .hmmmmmmm  Mostly by the Jews





Types of camps

Commander-in-Chief of all Allied Forces, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, witnesses the corpses found at Ohrdruf forced labor campin May 1945.
According to Moshe Lifshitz,[31] the Nazi camps divided as follows:
  • Hostage camps: camps where hostages were held and killed as reprisals.
  • Labor camps: concentration camps where interned inmates had to do hard physical labor under inhumane conditions and cruel treatment. Some of these camps were sub-camps of bigger camps, or "operational camps", established for a temporary need.
  • POW camps: concentration camps where prisoners of war were held after capture. POWs were usually soon assigned to labor camps.
  • Camps for rehabilitation and re-education of Poles: camps where the intelligentsia of the ethnic Poles were held, and "re-educated" according to Nazi values as slaves.
  • Transit and collection camps: camps where inmates were collected and routed to main camps, or temporarily held (Durchgangslager or Dulag).
  • Extermination camps: These camps differed from the rest, since not all of them were also concentration camps. Although none of the categories is independent, and many camps could be classified as a mixture of several of the above, and all camps had some of the elements of an extermination camp, systematic extermination of new-arrivals occurred in very specific camps. Of these, four were extermination camps, where all new-arrivals were simply killed – the "Aktion Reinhard" camps (TreblinkaSobibor and Belzec), together with Chelmno. Two others (Auschwitz and Majdanek) were combined concentration and extermination camps. Others like Maly Trostenets were at times classified as "minor extermination camps".[32]

The formation of ghettos
The most important task is to establish a new order of ethnographic conditions, that is, the resettlement of nationalities in such a manner that results in better dividing lines than at present. It is therefore essential for a far-sighted ordering of European life that a resettlement should be undertaken, so as to remove at least part of the material for European conflict.
Adolf Hitler

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