Thursday, December 11, 2014

Dec 11, 2014 — Many thanks to everyone who signed the Petition to Deny Parole to Vanessa Coleman.

After a lengthy hearing the Tennessee Parole Board voted unanimously to deny parole to Vanessa Coleman, Offender #473393. They also disallowed her from any further hearings until December 2020!

This is incredible news for such a tragedy. Thank you to all who signed this! I'm so happy that 322,936 people where able to come together in support of the Christian and Newsom famlies. Just think of that many random strangers came together what other things could be changed with written and spoken words~ just sayin
I was so anxious to hear the outcome of this, before they even had anything in I called the Parole Board to hear what the verdict was, I was told they where still in trial, and when I first saw that she was Denied I was so happy to hear that especially for the familes and for the memory of Channon and Chris! Bless everyone that signed this. ~~~~~
I copied this off the update I got on the petition and it's from Daniel Frye who started the petion and like I said the the post below if 322,936 random people come together think of the things that could change! J~
Dan Frye · Follow · Knoxville, Tennessee
Thank you so much Chris Nippard. It's very gratifying to have been a part of the most successful parole campaign in Tennessee history. The parole board received over 51,000 comments and 2,175 people took time to write individual letters of protests in addition to the 322,936 petition signers. It does restore hope that there are far more good people in the world than bad. It's just the bad that get the press.

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