Friday, November 20, 2020

Don't Worry, They Have 18 months to Fix the Gas Leak!

I'm listening to police scanner and there was a car accident Leonard and Woodland Avenues
I guess that hit a gas line and it might blow; CPD are freaking the fluck out CFD is like get everyone out of there, we will call the gas company to have them shut it off, my reply OH DON'T Worry they have 18 months to fix it Here is my BEEF and reply ' OH DON'T Worry they have 18 months to fix it. WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is what we where told by Columbia Gas company about the gas leak we called about 2 weels ago. The leak is so bad it almost knocked me on my butt just walking past it when Steve and I went to talk to the Gas Company about the leak. They said Oh it's been reported last year they have 18 months to fix it. Thank you for reporting it I put it in the computer. 🙂 Nothing was done because they have 18 months to fix it. 🤬 I've since talked to my neighbor who lives next door to where the leak is coming from and she was like Girl, it was so scary the other week I went out front to check my mail and saw a truck with flashing lights and he told me to go back into my house because there was a gas leak, so I did. That's when I went on to tell her that we had called about it and what they told us. She was like Let everyone know. I said we have tried calling the news and they are just kinda like eeee, and A+ Childrens Academy has been called to telling them with the # we called from so if they wanted to get in touch with us. We have heard Nothing from anyone and my/our thoughts
WHAT that is INSANE and pretty much a Death Sentence to half to all of my street that happen to have 2 gas stations off of High Street, but also Parents or just people call and make this well known because not only am I worried about me and my neighbors safety I'm also concerned about the staff and students which range between baby to I think 12 or 13 years old at A+ Children s Academy Email: Address: 114 Obetz Rd. Columbus, OH 43207 Phone: 614-491-8502

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