Thursday, October 3, 2013

‘Monsanto Protection Act’ Killed In Senate:

 Controversial Provision Removed From Spending Bill

The so-called “Monsanto Protection Act” has been removed from a Senate spending bill to the delight of those opposed to the controversial provision.

Short take: Sneaky 'Monsanto Protection Act' set to expire
 September 27, 2013 6:00 pm  •  
Between 1968 and 1974, the Smithsonian Institution ran something called the Center for Short-Lived Phenomena to study stuff like meteorite impacts, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, plagues and fish that mysteriously rain to earth.

 The MPA actually was a rider that mysteriously appeared in an emergency spending bill signed into law on March 28. The deal gave farmers the right to harvest crops grown from genetically modified seeds even if courts said they couldn’t. It was a big deal for a while because no one would admit to sneaking the language in the bill.
The center itself was a short-lived phenomenon, but it came to mind the other day when we learned that the Monsanto Protection Act was about to expire.

 The provision would have stayed on the books under a continuing resolution passed by the House of Representatives last week, but U.S. Sens. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., and Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., led a successful charge to have the language removed from the Senate version of the bill.

“One week ago, I asked, ‘Who pulls more weight on Capitol Hill? The agrichemical companies like Dow and Monsanto, or the food movement?'” Elizabeth Kucinich, policy director for the Center for Food Safety, said in a statement. “Thanks to the leadership of Senator Barbara Mikulski we now know the answer: the food movement.”
Mikulski introduced an amendment to have the language of the bill changed to remove the “Monsanto Protection Act” removed. The amendment was approved earlier this week, and the provision will expire at the end of this month.
A massive groundswell of public opposition to the “Monsanto Protection Act” began in March, when news of its existence hit the mainstream.   

<<< I call lies and BS here.  Ummmmmm, plenty of people across this country have been boycotting, and trying to make the nation aware of the toxic mess Monsanto is;  some politicans, independent news sites, former employees, vegans and even scienstists and farmers, it just seems no one was paying attention until recently and think the deserve full credit?  Thank you to all those that where aware for helping save us!>>>

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